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Run Percona Backup for MongoDB in a Docker container

Docker images of Percona Backup for MongoDB are hosted publicly on Docker Hub .

For more information about using Docker, see the Docker Docs .

Make sure that you are using the latest version of Docker. The ones provided via apt and yum may be outdated and cause errors.

By default, Docker will pull the image from Docker Hub if it is not available locally.


  • You need to deploy MongoDB or Percona Server for MongoDB. See what MongoDB deployments are supported.
  • Create the pbm user in your deployment. You will need this user credentials to start Percona Backup for MongoDB container.
  • For physical backups, make sure to use a container that includes both the mongod binary as well as the PBM files. Here is an example Dockerfile:
FROM percona/percona-server-mongodb:latest AS mdb
FROM percona/percona-backup-mongodb:latest AS pbm 

FROM oraclelinux:8 

RUN mkdir -p /data/db /data/configdb 

COPY --from=mdb /usr/bin/mongod /usr/bin/
COPY --from=pbm /usr/bin/pbm* /usr/bin/
  • If you are using a dedicated container for PBM, it should also have read-write access to MongoDB data volume and you should run it under the same user ID as the MongoDB container.

Start Percona Backup for MongoDB

Start Percona Backup for MongoDB container with the following command:

$ docker run --name <container-name> -e PBM_MONGODB_URI="mongodb://<PBM_USER>:<PBM_USER_PASSWORD>@<HOST>:<PORT>" -d percona/percona-backup-mongodb:<tag>


  • container-name is the name you want to assign to your container.
  • PBM_MONGODB-URI is a MongoDB Connection URI string used to connect to MongoDB nodes. See the Initial setup how to create the PBM user.
  • tag is the tag specifying the version you need. For example, 2.9.0. Docker identifies the architecture (x86_64 or ARM64) and pulls the respective image. See the full list of tags.

Note that every MongoDB node (including replica set secondary members and config server replica set nodes) requires a separate instance of Percona Backup for MongoDB. Thus, a typical, 3-node MongoDB replica set requires three instances of Percona Backup for MongoDB.

Set up Percona Backup for MongoDB

Percona Backup for MongoDB requires the remote storage where to store data. Use the following commands to configure it:

  1. Start a Bash session:

    $ docker exec -it <container-name> bash
  2. Create a YAML configuration file:

    $ vi /tmp/pbm_config.yaml
  3. Specify remote storage parameters in the config file. The following example is for S3-compatible backup storage. Check what other storages are supported and examples of storage configurations:

        type: s3
          region: <your-region-here>
          bucket: <your-bucket-here>
            access-key-id: <your-access-key-id-here>
        secret-access-key: <your-secret-key-here>
  4. Upload the config file:

    $ pbm config --file /tmp/pbm_config.yaml

    The command output displays your uploaded configuration.

Run Percona Backup for MongoDB

Percona Backup for MongoDB command line utility (pbm) provides the set of commands to control backups: create, restore, cancel backups, etc.

For example, to start a backup, use the following command:

$ docker exec -it <container-name> pbm backup

where <container-name> is the name you assigned to the container and pbm backup is the command to start a backup.

In the same way you can run other pbm commands. Find the full list of available commands in Percona Backup for MongoDB reference.

Next steps

List backups

Last update: March 19, 2025
Created: March 19, 2025
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