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Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.44-51 (2024-08-26)

This release is part of MySQL 5.7 Post-EOL Support from Percona. The fixes are available to MySQL 5.7 Post-EOL Support from Percona customers. Community members can build this release from the source. We recommend that you upgrade to MySQL 8.0 or you can stay on 5.7; we’ll support you either way.

Release Information

Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.44-51 builds upon the functionality and bug fixes in MySQL 5.7.44 Community Edition. It adds enterprise-grade features and security enhancements developed by Percona.

Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.44-51 contains the following fixes.

Bug fixes

Security fix

  • Bug #36563773: The calculation of averages for some numbers was sometimes incorrect.

Non-security fixes

  • Bug #35205358: The conn_delay/Waiting stage in the connection_control plugin was not reset after a delay caused by the plugin, leading to inaccurate monitoring data.

  • Bug #34929814: Running two OPTIMIZE TABLE commands at the same time on a table with fulltext indexes and innodb_optimize_fulltext_only enabled sometimes made the server shut down.

  • Bug #29539976: In the CONNECTION_CONTROL plugin, the Performance Schema couldn’t find specific keys until the code using them ran.

  • Bug #35894664: The result from a spatial index that included a column with a spatial reference identifier (SRID) was empty. Additionally, using FORCE INDEX to enforce a covering index scan on the spatial index caused an assertion error.

  • Bug #33142654, Bug #36543458: Adds an additional check on the QT_NO_TABLE flag before accessing table_name to fix HEAP-USE-AFTER-FREE errors.

  • Bug #33057164: The PROCESSLIST_INFO column of THREADS did not update when a prepared statement was executed.

  • Bug #34800754: An InnoDB assertion error happened due to an invalid column index, even though the column index was valid.

  • Bug #36252805: To check if the binlog cache was empty, it had to be created first, which made it empty. This caused sessions that never needed a binlog cache to get one, using up resources unnecessarily.

Additional resources

Install Percona Server for MySQL

The Percona Server for MySQL GitHub repository

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Last update: 2024-07-31