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Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.44-50 (2024-06-19)

This release is part of MySQL 5.7 Post-EOL Support from Percona. The fixes are available to MySQL 5.7 Post-EOL Support from Percona customers. Community members can build this release from the source. We recommend that you upgrade to MySQL 8.0 or you can stay on 5.7; we’ll support you either way.

Release Information

Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.44-50 builds upon the functionality and bug fixes in MySQL 5.7.44 Community Edition. It adds enterprise-grade features and security enhancements developed by Percona.

Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.44-50 contains the following fixes.

Bug fixes

  • Bug#36248967: mysqldump sometimes failed to identify the version number correctly.

  • Bug#35904044: The server sometimes sent incorrect metadata to the client for specific queries.

  • Bug#35846221: An error occurred because the Item_func_make_set::fix_after_pullout() function was missing. This makes the MAKE_SET function appear constant (const), causing it to be evaluated too early during the process (resolving). We fixed this by implementing the missing fix_after_pullout() function.

  • Bug#35854362: Queries that used a group by loose index scan occasionally returned inaccurate results.

  • Bug#36093405: Implemented better management of GTID sets in Group Replication.

  • Bug#35277407: Transactions stopped unexpectedly. This bug occurred when the system encountered an incorrect value stored in the trx->in_innodb variable.

  • Bug#36317795: Ensured that calling the plugin->deinit function resulted in the same behavior for all plugins. All plugins follow a consistent process when being unloaded or shut down.

  • Bug#36343647: Addressed buffer handling during the tablespace deletion process. This issue could have caused the program to halt with an assertion failure in the past.

  • Bug#34929814: The Full-Text Search (FTS) system encountered issues maintaining consistency when multiple operations happened simultaneously (concurrent scenarios).

  • PS-9092: A high rate of page splits and merges in the past caused data inconsistencies.

  • PS-9132: After an unexpected server exit, persistent information about executed Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs) was lost during the Gtid_state::save operation.

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Last update: 2024-06-19