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MyRocks Server Variables

The MyRocks server variables expose configuration of the underlying RocksDB engine. There several ways to set these variables:

  • For production deployments, you should have all variables defined in the configuration file.

  • Dynamic variables can be changed at runtime using the SET statement.

  • If you want to test things out, you can set some of the variables when starting mysqld using corresponding command-line options.

If a variable was not set in either the configuration file or as a command-line option, the default value is used.

Also, all variables can exist in one or both of the following scopes:

  • Global scope defines how the variable affects overall server operation.

  • Session scope defines how the variable affects operation for individual client connections.

The following server variables are available:

Variable Name


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-access-hint-on-compaction-start
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String or numeric
Default NORMAL or 1

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the file access pattern once compaction is started, and applied to all input files of compaction. Possible values are:

  • 0 = NONE

  • 1 = NORMAL (default)


  • 3 = WILLNEED


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-advise-random-on-open
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to hint at the underlying file system that the file access pattern is random, when a data file is opened. Enabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-allow-concurrent-memtable-write
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to allow multiple writers to update memtables in parallel. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb_allow_to_start_after_corruption
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to allow the server to restart once MyRocks reported data corruption. Disabled by default.

Once corruption is detected server writes a marker file (named ROCKSDB_CORRUPTED) in the data directory and aborts. If a marker file exists, then mysqld exits on startup with an error message. The restart failure will continue until the problem is solved or until mysqld is started with this variable turned on in the command line.


Not all memtables support concurrent writes.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-allow-mmap-reads
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to allow the OS to map a data file into memory for reads. Disabled by default. If you enable this, make sure that rocksdb_use_direct_reads is disabled.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-allow-mmap-writes
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to allow the OS to map a data file into memory for writes. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-alter-column-default-inplace
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.35-38. Allow inplace alter for the alter column default operation.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-base-background-compactions
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 1

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. This variable has been replaced in Percona Server 5.7.20-18 by rocksdb_max_background_jobs, which automatically decides how many threads to allocate towards flush/compaction. Specifies the suggested number of concurrent background compaction jobs, submitted to the default LOW priority thread pool in RocksDB. Default is 1. The allowed range of values is from -1 to 64. Maximum depends on the rocksdb_max_background_compactions variable.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-blind-delete-primary-key
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. Skips verifying if rows exist before executing deletes. The following conditions must be met:

  • The variable is enabled

  • Only a single table is listed in the DELETE statement

  • The table has only a primary key with no secondary keys


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-block-cache-size
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 536870912

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the size of the LRU block cache for RocksDB. This memory is reserved for the block cache, which is in addition to any filesystem caching that may occur.

The minimum value is 1024 because that’s the size of one block.

The default value is 536870912.

The maximum value is 9223372036854775807.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-block-restart-interval
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 16

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the number of keys for each set of delta encoded data. The default value is 16. The allowed range is from 1 to 2147483647.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-block-size
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 4096

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. The minimum value has changed from 0 to 1024 in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. This variable specifies the size of the data block for reading RocksDB data files. The default value is 4096. The allowed range is from 1024 to 18446744073709551615.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-block-size-deviation
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 10

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the threshold for free space allowed in a data block (see rocksdb_block_size). If there is less space remaining, close the block (and write to new block). Default value is 10, meaning that the block is not closed until there is less than 10 bits of free space remaining.

The allowed range is from 1 to 2147483647.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-bulk-load-allow-sk
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.23-23. Enabling this variable allows secondary keys to be added using the bulk loading feature. This variable can be toggled only when the bulk load is disabled, for example, when rocksdb_bulk_load is OFF.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-bulk-load-allow-unsorted
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. By default, the bulk loader requires its input to be sorted in the primary key order. If enabled, unsorted inputs are allowed too, which are then sorted by the bulkloader itself, at a performance penalty.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-bulk-load
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to use bulk load: MyRocks will ignore checking keys for uniqueness or acquiring locks during transactions. Disabled by default. Enable this only if you are certain that there are no row conflicts, for example, when setting up a new MyRocks instance from a MySQL dump.

When the rocksdb_bulk_load variable is enabled, it behaves as if the variable rocksdb_commit_in_the_middle is enabled, even if the variable rocksdb_commit_in_the_middle is disabled.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-bulk-load-size
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Numeric
Default 1000

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the number of keys to accumulate before committing them to the storage engine when the bulk load is enabled (see rocksdb_bulk_load). The default value is 1000, which means that a batch can contain up to 1000 records before they are implicitly committed. The allowed range is from 1 to 1073741824.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-bytes-per-sync
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17 and changed to dynamic in Percona Server 5.7.21-20. Specifies how often should the OS sync files to disk as they are being written, asynchronously, in the background. This operation can be used to smooth out write I/O over time. The default value is 0 meaning that files are never synced. The allowed range is up to 18446744073709551615.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-cache-dump
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. Includes RocksDB block cache content in a core dump. This variable is enabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-cache-index-and-filter-blocks
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether RocksDB should use the block cache for caching the index and bloomfilter data blocks from each data file. Enabled by default. If you disable this feature, RocksDB will allocate additional memory to maintain these data blocks.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-checksums-pct
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Numeric
Default 100

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the percentage of rows to be checksummed. The default value is 100 (checksum all rows). The allowed range is from 0 to 100.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-collect-sst-properties
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to collect statistics on each data file to improve optimizer behavior. Enabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-commit-in-the-middle
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to commit rows implicitly when a batch contains more than the value of rocksdb_bulk_load_size. This option should only be enabled at the time of data import because it may cause locking errors.

This variable is disabled by default.

When the rocksdb_bulk_load variable is enabled, it behaves as if the variable rocksdb_commit_in_the_middle is enabled, even if the variable rocksdb_commit_in_the_middle is disabled.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-commit-time-batch-for-recovery
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.23-23. Specifies whether to write the commit time write batch into the database or not.


If the commit time write batch is only useful for recovery, then writing to WAL is enough.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-compact-cf
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the name of the column family to compact.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-compaction-readahead-size
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the size of reads to perform ahead of compaction. The default value is 0. Set this to at least 2 megabytes (16777216) when using MyRocks with spinning disks to ensure sequential reads instead of random. The maximum allowed value is 18446744073709551615.


If you set this variable to a non-zero value, rocksdb_new_table_reader_for_compaction_inputs is enabled.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-compaction-sequential-deletes
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the threshold to trigger compaction on a file if it has more than this number of sequential delete markers. The default value is 0 meaning that compaction is not triggered regardless of the number of delete markers. The maximum allowed value is 2000000 (two million delete markers).


Depending on workload patterns, MyRocks can potentially maintain large numbers of delete markers, which increases the latency of queries. This compaction feature will reduce latency, but may also increase the MyRocks write rate. Use this variable together with rocksdb_compaction_sequential_deletes_file_size to only perform compaction on large files.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-compaction-sequential-deletes-count-sd
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to count single deletes as delete markers recognized by rocksdb_compaction_sequential_deletes. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-compaction-sequential-deletes-file-size
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the minimum file size required to trigger compaction on it by rocksdb_compaction_sequential_deletes. The default value is 0, meaning that compaction is triggered regardless of file size. The allowed range is from -1 to 9223372036854775807.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-compaction-sequential-deletes-window
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the size of the window for counting delete markers by rocksdb_compaction_sequential_deletes. The default value is 0. The allowed range is up to 2000000 (two million).


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-concurrent_prepare
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been deprecated in the Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.21-20, as it has been renamed upstream to rocksdb_two_write_queues.

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. When enabled this variable allows/encourages threads that are using two-phase commit to prepare in parallel.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-create-checkpoint
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the directory where MyRocks should create a checkpoint. Empty by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-create-if-missing
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether MyRocks should create its database if it does not exist. Enabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-create-missing-column-families
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether MyRocks should create new column families if they do not exist. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-datadir
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the location of the MyRocks data directory. By default, it is created in the current working directory.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-db-write-buffer-size
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the maximum size of all memtables used to store writes in MyRocks across all column families. When this size is reached, the data is flushed to persistent media. The default value is 0. The allowed range is up to 18446744073709551615.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-deadlock-detect
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether MyRocks should detect deadlocks. Disabled by default.


Implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18.

Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-deadlock-detect-depth
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Numeric
Default 50

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. Specifies the number of transactions deadlock detection will traverse through before assuming deadlock.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-debug-optimizer-no-zero-cardinality
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether MyRocks should prevent zero cardinality by always overriding it with some value.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-debug-ttl-ignore-pk
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18, for debugging purposes only. If true, compaction filtering will not occur on Primary Key TTL data. This variable is a no-op in non-debug builds.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb_debug-ttl-read-filter-ts
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. For debugging purposes only. Overrides the TTL read filtering time to time + debug_ttl_read_filter_ts. A value of 0 denotes that the variable is not set. This variable is a no-op in non-debug builds.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-debug-ttl-rec-ts
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. For debugging purposes only. Overrides the TTL of records to now() + debug_ttl_rec_ts. The value can be ± to simulate a record inserted in the past vs a record inserted in the “future”. A value of 0 denotes that the variable is not set. This variable is a no-op in non-debug builds.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-debug-ttl-snapshot-ts
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. For debugging purposes only. Sets the snapshot during compaction to now() + rocksdb_debug_set_ttl_snapshot_ts. The value can be ± to simulate a snapshot in the past vs a snapshot created in the “future”. A value of 0 denotes that the variable is not set. This variable is a no-op in non-debug builds.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-default-cf-options
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the default column family options for MyRocks. Empty by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-delayed-write-rate
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 16777216

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the write rate in bytes per second, which should be used if MyRocks hits a soft limit or threshold for writes. Default value is 16777216 (16 MB/sec). The allowed range is from 0 to 18446744073709551615.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-delete-cf
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type String
Default “”

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. Deletes the column family by name. The default value is “”, an empty string.

For example:

SET @@global.ROCKSDB_DELETE_CF = 'cf_primary_key';


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-delete-obsolete-files-period-micros
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 21600000000

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the period in microseconds to delete obsolete files regardless of files removed during compaction. Default value is 21600000000 (6 hours). Allowed range is up to 9223372036854775807.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-enable-bulk-load-api
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to use the SSTFileWriter feature for bulk loading. This feature bypasses the memtable, but requires keys to be inserted into the table in either ascending or descending order. Enabled by default. If disabled, bulk loading uses the normal write path via the memtable and does not require keys to be inserted in any order.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-enable-insert-with-update-caching
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. Specifies whether to enable optimization where the read is cached from a failed insertion attempt in INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-enable-iterate-bounds
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Local
Data type Boolean
Default TRUE

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. Enables the rocksdb iterator upper bounds and lower bounds in read options.

Implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.35-38.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-enable-native-partition
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

This variable is experimental and should not be used in production.

This variable enables native partitioning and may be used when upgrading to 8.0.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-enable-pipelined-write
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

DBOptions::enable_pipelined_write for RocksDB.

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.35-38.

If enable_pipelined_write is true, a separate write thread is maintained for WAL write and memtable write. A write thread first enters the WAL writer queue and then the memtable writer queue. A pending thread on the WAL writer queue only waits for the previous WAL write operations but does not wait for memtable write operations. Enabling the feature may improve write throughput and reduce latency of the prepare phase of a two-phase commit.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-enable-remove-orphaned-dropped-cfs
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default TRUE

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. Enables the removal of dropped column families (cfs) from metadata if the cfs do not exist in the cf manager.

The default value is TRUE.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-enable-ttl
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to keep expired TTL records during compaction. Enabled by default. If disabled, expired TTL records will be dropped during compaction.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-enable-ttl-read-filtering
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. For tables with TTL, expired records are skipped/filtered out during processing and in query results. Disabling this will allow these records to be seen, but as a result, rows may disappear in the middle of transactions as they are dropped during compaction. Use with caution.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-enable-thread-tracking
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to enable tracking the status of threads accessing the database. Disabled by default. If enabled, thread status will be available via GetThreadList().


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-enable-write-thread-adaptive-yield
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether the MyRocks write batch group leader should wait up to the maximum allowed time before blocking on a mutex. Disabled by default. Enable it to increase throughput for concurrent workloads.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-error-if-exists
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to report an error when a database already exists. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-error-on-suboptimal-collation
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.23-23. Specifies whether to report an error instead of a warning if an index is created on a char field where the table has a sub-optimal collation (case insensitive). Enabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-flush-log-at-trx-commit
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Numeric
Default 1

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to sync on every transaction commit, similar to innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit. Enabled by default, which ensures ACID compliance.

Possible values:

  • 0: Do not sync on transaction commit. This provides better performance but may lead to data inconsistency in case of a crash.

  • 1: Sync on every transaction commit. This is set by default and recommended as it ensures data consistency, but reduces performance.

  • 2: Sync every second.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-flush-memtable-on-analyze
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17 and removed in Percona Server 5.7.21-20. Specifies whether to flush the memtable when running ANALYZE on a table. Enabled by default. This ensures accurate cardinality by including data in the memtable for calculating stats.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-force-compute-memtable-stats
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether data in the memtables should be included for calculating index statistics used by the query optimizer. Enabled by default. This provides better accuracy but may reduce performance.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-force-compute-memtable-stats-cachetime
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 60000000

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. Specifies for how long the cached value of memtable statistics should be used instead of computing it every time during the query plan analysis.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-force-flush-memtable-and-lzero-now
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Works similar to force_flush_memtable_now but also flushes all L0 files.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-force-flush-memtable-now
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Forces MyRocks to immediately flush all memtables out to data files.


Use with caution! Write requests will be blocked until all memtables are flushed.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-force-index-records-in-range
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Numeric
Default 1

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the value used to override the number of rows returned to query optimizer when FORCE INDEX is used. The default value is 1. The allowed range is from 0 to 2147483647. Set to 0 if you do not want to override the returned value.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-hash-index-allow-collision
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether hash collisions are allowed. Enabled by default, which uses less memory. If disabled, the full prefix is stored to prevent hash collisions.


Option Description
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. When enabled, it allows RocksDB to receive unknown options and not exit.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-index-type
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Enum
Default kBinarySearch

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the type of indexing used by MyRocks:

  • kBinarySearch: Binary search (default).

  • kHashSearch: Hash search.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-info-log-level
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Enum
Default error_level

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the level for filtering messages written by MyRocks to the mysqld log.

  • debug_level: Maximum logging (everything including debugging log messages)

  • info_level

  • warn_level

  • error_level (default)

  • fatal_level: Minimum logging (only fatal error messages logged)


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-is-fd-close-on-exec
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether child processes should inherit open file handles. Enabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-large-prefix
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. When enabled, this option allows index key prefixes longer than 767 bytes (up to 3072 bytes). This option mirrors the innodb_large_prefix The values for rocksdb_large_prefix should be the same between source and replica.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-keep-log-file-num
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 1000

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the maximum number of info log files to keep. The default value is 1000. The allowed range is from 1 to 18446744073709551615.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-lock-scanned-rows
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to hold the lock on rows that are scanned during UPDATE and not actually updated. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-lock-wait-timeout
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Numeric
Default 1

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the number of seconds MyRocks should wait to acquire a row loc before aborting the request. The default value is 1. The allowed range is up to 1073741824.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-log-file-time-to-roll
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the period (in seconds) for rotating the info log files. The default value is 0, meaning that the log file is not rotated. The allowed range is up to 18446744073709551615.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-manifest-preallocation-size
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the number of bytes to preallocate for the MANIFEST file used by MyRocks to store information about column families, levels, active files, etc. The default value is 0. The allowed range is up to 18446744073709551615.


A value of 4194304 (4 MB) is reasonable to reduce random I/O on XFS.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-manual-compaction-bottommost-level
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Enum
Default kForceOptimized

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.35-38.

Option for skipping bottommost level compaction during manual compaction. The values are the following:

  • kSkip - Skip bottommost level compaction

  • kIfHaveCompactionFilter - Only compact the bottommost level if there is a compaction filter

  • kForce - Always compact the bottommost level

  • kForceOptimized - The default value. Always compact the bottommost level but in the bottommost level avoid double-compacting files created


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-manual-wal-flush
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. This variable can be used to disable automatic/timed WAL flushing and instead rely on the application to do the flushing.


Option Description
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. When enabled, uses the WriteBatch API, which is faster. The session does not hold any lock-on-row access. This variable is not effective on replicas.


Due to the disabled row locks, improper use of the variable can cause data corruption or inconsistency.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-max-background-compactions
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default -1

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. This variable has been replaced in Percona Server 5.7.20-18 by rocksdb_max_background_jobs, which automatically decides how many threads to allocate towards flush/compaction. This variable has been re-implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.31-34.

Sets DBOptions:: max_background_compactions for RocksDB. The default value is -1. The allowed range is up to 64.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-max-background-flushes
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default -1

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. This variable has been replaced in Percona Server 5.7.20-18 by rocksdb_max_background_jobs, which automatically decides how many threads to allocate towards flush/compaction. This variable has been re-implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.31-34.

Sets DBOptions:: max_background_flushes for RocksDB. The default value is -1. The allowed range is up to 64.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-max-background-jobs
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 2

This variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18 to replace rocksdb_base_background_compactions, rocksdb_max_background_compactions, and rocksdb_max_background_flushes variables. This variable specifies the maximum number of background jobs. It automatically decides how many threads to allocate towards flush/compaction. It was implemented to reduce the number of (confusing) options for users and can tweak and push the responsibility down to RocksDB level.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb_max_bottom_pri_background_compactions
Dynamic No
Data type Unsigned integer
Default 0

This variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.31-34. Creates a specified number of threads, sets a lower CPU priority, and lets compactions use them. The maximum compaction concurrency is capped by rocksdb_max_background_compactions or rocksdb_max_background_jobs

The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 64.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-max-latest-deadlocks
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 5

This variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. Specifies the maximum number of recent deadlocks to store.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-max-log-file-size
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

This variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the maximum size for info log files, after which the log is rotated. The default value is 0, meaning that only one log file is used. The allowed range is up to 18446744073709551615.

Also see rocksdb_log_file_time_to_roll.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-manifest-log-file-size
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 18446744073709551615

This variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the maximum size of the MANIFEST data file, after which it is rotated. The default value is also the maximum, making it practically unlimited: only one manifest file is used.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-max-open-files
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 1000

This variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Default value has changed to 1000 in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the maximum number of file handles opened by MyRocks. Values in the range between 0 and open_files_limit are taken as they are. If rocksdb_max_open_files value is greater than open_files_limit, it will be reset to ½ of open_files_limit, and a warning will be emitted to the mysqld error log. A value of -2 denotes auto-tuning: just sets rocksdb_max_open_files value to ½ of open_files_limit. Finally, -1 means no limit, i.e. an infinite number of file handles.


Setting rocksdb_max_open_files to -1 is dangerous, as the server may quickly run out of file handles in this case.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-max-row-locks
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 1048576

This variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. The default value has changed from 1073741824 to 1048576 in Percona Server 5.7.21-21. The scope has changed to Global in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.32-35. Specifies the limit on the maximum number of row locks a transaction can have before it fails. The default value is also the maximum, making it practically unlimited: transactions never fail due to row locks.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-max-subcompactions
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 1

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the maximum number of threads allowed for each compaction job. A default value of 1 means no subcompactions (one thread per compaction job). The allowed range is up to 64.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-max-total-wal-size
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the maximum total size of WAL (write-ahead log) files, after which memtables are flushed. The default value is 0: the WAL size limit is chosen dynamically. The allowed range is up to 9223372036854775807.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-merge-buf-size
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 67108864

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the size (in bytes) of the merge-sort buffers used to accumulate data during secondary key creation. New entries are written directly to the lowest level in the database, instead of updating indexes through the memtable and L0. These values are sorted using merge-sort, with buffers set to 64 MB by default (67108864). The allowed range is from 100 to 18446744073709551615.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-merge-combine-read-size
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 1073741824

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the size (in bytes) of the merge-combine buffer used for the merge-sort algorithm as described in rocksdb_merge_buf_size. The default size is 1 GB (1073741824). The allowed range is from 100 to 18446744073709551615.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb_merge_tmp_file_removal_delay_ms
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. Fast secondary index creation creates merge files when needed. After finishing secondary index creation, merge files are removed. By default, the file removal is done without any sleep, so removing GBs of merge files within <1s may happen, which will cause trim stalls on Flash. This variable can be used to rate limit the delay in milliseconds.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-new-table-reader-for-compaction-inputs
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether MyRocks should create a new file descriptor and table reader for each compaction input. Disabled by default. Enabling this may increase memory consumption, but will also allow pre-fetch options to be specified for compaction input files without impacting table readers used for user queries.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-no-block-cache
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to disable the block cache for column families. Variable is disabled by default, meaning that using the block cache is allowed.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-no-create-column-family
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.23-24. Specifies whether column families can be created implicitly via an index comment. If this variable is set to ON, then column families must already exist or must be present within the rocksdb_override_cf_options for a user to assign and index to a column family.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-override-cf-options
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies option overrides for each column family. Empty by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-paranoid-checks
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether MyRocks should re-read the data file as soon as it is created to verify correctness. Enabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-pause-background-work
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether MyRocks should pause all background operations. Disabled by default. There is no practical reason for a user to ever use this variable because it is intended as a test synchronization tool for the MyRocks MTR test suites.


If someone were to set a rocksdb_force_flush_memtable_now to 1 while rocksdb_pause_background_work is set to 1, the client that issued the rocksdb_force_flush_memtable_now=1 will be blocked indefinitely until rocksdb_pause_background_work is set to 0.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-perf-context-level
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the level of information to capture with the Perf Context plugins. The default value is 0. The allowed range is up to 5.

Value Description
0 Unknown setting
1 Disable perf stats
2 Enable only count stats
3 Enable count stats and time stats except for mutexes
4 Enable count stats, time stats, except for wall time or CPU time for mutexes
5 Enable count and time stats


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-persistent-cache-path
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the path to the persistent cache. Set this together with rocksdb_persistent_cache_size_mb.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-persistent-cache-size-mb
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the size of the persistent cache in megabytes. Default is 0 (persistent cache disabled). The allowed range is up to 18446744073709551615. Set this together with rocksdb_persistent_cache_path.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-pin-l0-filter-and-index-blocks-in-cache
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether MyRocks pins the filter and index blocks in the cache if rocksdb_cache_index_and_filter_blocks is enabled. Enabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-print-snapshot-conflict-queries
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether queries that generate snapshot conflicts should be logged to the error log. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-rate-limiter-bytes-per-sec
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the maximum rate at which MyRocks can write to media via memtable flushes and compaction. The default value is 0 (the write rate is not limited). The allowed range is up to 9223372036854775807.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-read-free-rpl
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Enum
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. se read-free replication, which allows no row lookup during replication, on the replica.

The options are the following:

  • OFF - Disables the variable

  • PK_SK - Enables the variable on all tables with a primary key

  • PK_ONLY - Enables the variable on tables where the only key is the primary key


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-read-free-rpl-tables
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type String

This variable is disabled in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. We recommend that you use rocksdb_read_free_rpl instead of this variable.

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17 and disabled in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. Lists tables (as a regular expression) that should use read-free replication on the replica (that is, replication without row lookups). Empty by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-records-in-range
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the value to override the result of records_in_range(). The default value is 0. The allowed range is up to 2147483647.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-reset-stats
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Resets MyRocks internal statistics dynamically (without restarting the server).


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-rollback-on-timeout
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. By default, only the last statement on a transaction is rolled back. If --rocksdb-rollback-on-timeout=ON, a transaction timeout causes a rollback of the entire transaction.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-rpl-skip-tx-api
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17 and removed in Percona Server 5.7.20-19. The variable has been re-implemented in Percona Server 5.7.21-21. Specifies whether write batches should be used for replication thread instead of the transaction API. Disabled by default.

There are two conditions that are necessary to use it: row replication format and replica operating in super read-only mode.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-seconds-between-stat-computes
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 3600

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the number of seconds to wait between recomputation of table statistics for the optimizer. During that time, only changed indexes are updated. The default value is 3600. The allowed value is from 0 to 4294967295.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-signal-drop-index-thread
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Signals the MyRocks drop index thread to wake up.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-sim-cache-size
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. Enables the simulated cache, which allows us to figure out the hit/miss rate with a specific cache size without changing the real block cache.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-skip-bloom-filter-on_read
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether bloom filters should be skipped on reads. Disabled by default (bloom filters are not skipped).


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-skip-fill-cache
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF`

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to skip caching data on the read requests. Disabled by default (caching is not skipped).


Option Description
Command-line rocksdb_skip_locks_if_skip_unique_check
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.35-38. Skips row locking when unique checks are disabled.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-sst-mgr-rate-bytes-per-sec
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. The default value has changed from 67108864 to 0 in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. Specifies the maximum rate for writing to data files. The default value is 0. This option is not effective on HDD. The allowed range is from 0 to 18446744073709551615.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-stats-dump-period-sec
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 600

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the period in seconds for performing a dump of the MyRocks statistics to the info log. The default value is 600. The allowed range is up to 2147483647.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-stats-level
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. Controls the RocksDB statistics level. The default value is “0” (kExceptHistogramOrTimers), which is the fastest level. The maximum value is “4”.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-stats-recalc-rate
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.23-23. Specifies the number of indexes to recalculate per second. Recalculating index statistics periodically ensures it matches the actual sum from SST files. The default value is 0. The allowed range is up to 4294967295.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-store-row-debug-checksums
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to include checksums when writing index or table records. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-strict-collation-check
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to check and verify that table indexes have proper collation settings. Enabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-strict-collation-exceptions
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Lists tables (as a regular expression) that should be excluded from verifying case-sensitive collation enforced by rocksdb_strict_collation_check. Empty by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-table-cache-numshardbits
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 6

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Max value has been changed from 2147483647 to 19 in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. Specifies the number of table caches. The default value is 6. The allowed range is from 0 to 19.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-table-stats-background-thread-nice-value
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 19

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. The nice value for index stats. The minimum = -20 (THREAD_PRIO_MIN) The maximum = 19 (THREAD_PRIO_MAX)


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-table-stats-max-num-rows-scanned
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. The maximum number of rows to scan in a table scan is based on a cardinality calculation. The minimum is 0 (every modification triggers a stats recalculation). The maximum is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-table-stats-recalc-threshold-count
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 100

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. The number of modified rows to trigger a stats recalculation. This is a dependent variable for stats recalculation. The minimum is 0. The maximum is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-table-stats-recalc-threshold-pct
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 10

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. The percentage of the number of modified rows over the total number of rows to trigger stats recalculations. This is a dependent variable for stats recalculation. The minimum value is 0 The maximum value is 100 (RDB_TBL_STATS_RECALC_THRESHOLD_PCT_MAX).


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-table-stats-sampling-pct
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 10

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the percentage of entries to sample when collecting statistics about table properties. The default value is 10. The allowed range is from 0 to 100.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-table-stats-use-table-scan
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default FALSE

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. Enables table-scan-based index calculations. The default value is FALSE.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-tmpdir
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the path to the directory for temporary files during DDL operations.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-trace-block-cache-access
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type String
Default ""

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.30-33. Defines the block cache trace option string. The format is “sampling frequency: max_trace_file_size:trace_file_name.” The sampling frequency value and max_trace_file_size value are positive integers. The block accesses are saved to the rocksdb_datadir/block_cache_traces/trace_file_name. The default value is an empty string ("").


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-trace-queries
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type String
Default ""

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.35-38. This variable is a trace option string. The format is sampling_frequency:max_trace_file_size:trace_file_name. The sampling_frequency value and max_trace_file_size value are positive integers. The queries are saved to the rocksdb_datadir/queries_traces/trace_file_name.

The file size unit is measured in bytes.

The sampling frequency specifies that one request is sampled from sampling_frequency requests. If the request is 1, all the requests are traced. If the request is 5, then for every five requests, one request is traced.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-trace-sst-api
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to generate trace output in the log for each call to SstFileWriter. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-track-and-verify-wals-in-manifest
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.35-38.

DBOptions::track_and_verify_wals_in_manifest for RocksDB

If true, the log numbers and sizes of the synced WALs are tracked in Manifest, then, during a DB recovery, if a synced WAL is missing from the disk, or the size of the WAL does not match the recorded size in Manifest, an error is reported adn the recovery is aborted.


This option does not work with a secondary instance.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-track-and-verify-wals-in-manifest
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.21-20. When enabled this variable allows/encourages threads that are using two-phase commit to prepare in parallel.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-unsafe-for-binlog
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to allow statement-based binary logging which may break consistency. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-update-cf-options
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies option updates for each column family. Empty by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-use-adaptive-mutex
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to use an adaptive mutex which spins in user space before resorting to the kernel. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-use-default-sk-cf
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.32-35. Use default_sk column family for secondary keys.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-use-direct-io-for-flush-and-compaction
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to write to data files directly, without caches or buffers. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-use-direct-reads
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to read data files directly, without caches or buffers. Disabled by default. If you enable this, make sure that rocksdb_allow_mmap_reads is disabled.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-use-fsync
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether MyRocks should use fsync instead of fdatasync when requesting a sync of a data file. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-validate-tables
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 1

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to verify that MySQL .frm files match MyRocks tables.

  • 0: do not verify.

  • 1: verify and fail on error (default).

  • 2: verify and continue with the error.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-verify-row-debug-checksums
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to verify checksums when reading index or table records. Disabled by default.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-wal-bytes-per-sync
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. The variable has been changed to dynamic in Percona Server 5.7.21-20. Specifies how often should the OS sync WAL (write-ahead log) files to the disk as they are being written, asynchronously, in the background. This operation can be used to smooth out write I/O over time. The default value is 0, meaning that files are never synced. The allowed range is up to 18446744073709551615.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-wal-dir
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the path to the directory where MyRocks stores WAL files.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-wal-recovery-mode
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 2


In version 5.7.31-34 and later, the default is changed from 1 to 2.

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the level of tolerance when recovering write-ahead logs (WAL) files after a system crash.

The following are the options:

  • 0: if the last WAL entry is corrupted, truncate the entry and either start the server normally or refuse to start.

  • 1: if a WAL entry is corrupted, the server fails to start and does not recover from the crash.

  • 2 (default): if a corrupted WAL entry is detected, truncate all entries after the detected corrupted entry. You can select this setting for replication replicas.

  • 3: If a corrupted WAL entry is detected, skip only the corrupted entry and continue the apply WAL entries. This option can be dangerous.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-wal-size-limit-mb
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the maximum size of all WAL files in megabytes before attempting to flush memtables and delete the oldest files. The default value is 0 (never rotated). The allowed range is up to 9223372036854775807.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-wal-ttl-seconds
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies the timeout in seconds before deleting archived WAL files. The default is 0 (WAL files are not archived). The allowed range is up to 9223372036854775807.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-whole-key-filtering
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type Boolean
Default ON

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether the bloomfilter should use the whole key for filtering instead of just the prefix. Enabled by default. Make sure that lookups use the whole key for matching.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-write-batch-max-bytes
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global
Data type Numeric
Default 0

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.20-18. Specifies the maximum size of a RocksDB write batch in bytes. 0 means no limit. In case the user exceeds the limit following error is shown:

ERROR HY000: Status error 10 received from RocksDB: Operation aborted: Memory limit reached.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-write-disable-wal
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Lets you temporarily disable the writes to WAL files, which can be useful for bulk loading.


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-write-ignore-missing-column-families
Dynamic Yes
Scope Global, Session
Data type Boolean
Default OFF

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.19-17. Specifies whether to ignore writes to column families that do not exist. Disabled by default (writes to non-existent column families are not ignored).


Option Description
Command-line –rocksdb-write-policy
Dynamic No
Scope Global
Data type String
Default write_committed

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server 5.7.23-23. Specifies when two-phase commit data are actually written into the database. Allowed values are write_committed, write_prepared, and write_unprepared.

Default value is write_committed which means data are written at commit time. If the value is set to write_prepared, then data are written after the prepare phase of a two-phase transaction. If the value is set to write_unprepared, then data are written before the prepare phase.

Last update: 2023-01-23