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Percona Monitoring and Management 2.6.0

Date: May 11, 2020
Installation: Installing Percona Monitoring and Management

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a free and open-source platform for managing and monitoring MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL performance.

New Features

  • PMM-5728: Technical preview of External Services monitoring feature. A new command provides integration with hundreds of third-party systems ( via the Prometheus protocol so that you can monitor external services on a node where PMM agent is installed.
  • PMM-5822: PMM now includes a Security Threat Tool to help users avoid the most common database security issues.
  • PMM-5559: Global annotations can now be set with the pmm-admin annotate command.
  • PMM-4931: PMM now checks Docker environment variables and warns about invalid ones.


  • PMM-1962: The PMM Server API (via /v1/readyz) now also returns Grafana status information in addition to that for Prometheus.
  • PMM-5854: The Service Details dashboards were cleaned up and some unused selectors were removed.
  • PMM-5775: It is now clearer which nodes are Primary and which are Secondary on MongoDB Instance dashboards.
  • PMM-5549: PMM’s Grafana component is now the latest, 6.7.3.
  • PMM-5393: There’s a new ‘Node Summary’ row in the services Summary and Details dashboards summarizing the system update, load average, RAM and memory.
  • PMM-4778: mongodb_exporter is now the latest version, 0.11.0.
  • PMM-5734: Temporary files activity and utilization charts (rate & irate) were added to the PostgreSQL Instance overview.
  • PMM-5695: The error message explains better when using the –-socket option incorrectly.

Bugs Fixed

  • PMM-4829: The MongoDB Exporter wasn’t able to collect metrics from hidden nodes without either the latest driver or using the connect-direct parameter.
  • PMM-5056: The average values for Query time in the Details and Profile sections were different.
  • PMM-2717: Updating MongoDB Exporter resolves an error (Failed to execute find query on 'config.locks': not found.) when used with shardedCluster 3.6.4.
  • PMM-4541: MongoDB exporter metrics collection was including system collections from collStats and indexStats, causing “log bloat”.
  • PMM-5913: Only totals were shown in QAN when filtering on Cluster=MongoDB.
  • PMM-5903: When applying a filter the QAN Overview was being refreshed twice.
  • PMM-5821: The Compare button was missing from HA Dashboard main menus.
  • PMM-5687: Cumulative charts for Disk Details were not showing any data if metrics were returning NaN results.
  • PMM-5663: The ‘version’ value was not being refreshed in various MySQL dashboards.
  • PMM-5643: Advanced Data Exploration charts were showing ‘N/A’ for Metric Resolution and ‘No data to show’ in the Metric Data Table.
  • PMM-4756: Dashboards were not showing services with empty environments.
  • PMM-4562: MongoDB and MySQL registered instances with empty cluster labels (–environment=<label>) were not visible in the dashboard despite being added instances.
  • PMM-4906: The MongoDB exporter for MongoDB 4.0 and above was causing a “log bloat” condition.

Help us improve our software quality by reporting any bugs you encounter using our bug tracking system.

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