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UI components



  1. Main menu (also Grafana menu, side menu)
  2. Navigation bar
  3. View controls
  4. View selectors (dynamic contents)
  5. Shortcut menu (dynamic contents)

The main menu is part of the Grafana framework and is visible on every page.

Item (Top) Name Description
!image Home Link to home dashboard.
Search Search dashboards by name.
Starred Mark your favorite dashboards.
Dashboards Create dashboards or folders, manage dashboards, import dashboards, create playlists, manage snapshots.
!image Operating System (OS) Operating System dashboard
!image MySQL MySQL dashboard
!image MongoDB MongoDB dashboard
!image PostgreSQL PostgreSQL dashboard
!image ProxySQL ProxySQL dashboard
!image HAproxy HAproxy dashboard
!image Query Analytics (QAN) Query Analytics
Explore Run queries with PromQL.
Percona Alerting Alerting, Create new alerts and manage your alert rules and alert templates.
!image Entitlements This tab is displayed after connecting PMM to Percona Portal, and shows all your Percona Platform account information.
!image Support Tickets Shows the list of tickets opened across your organization. This tab is only available after you connect PMM to Percona Platform.
!image Environment Overview This tab is displayed after connecting PMM to Percona Portal. Shows the name and email of the Customer Success Manager assigned to your organization, who can help with any PMM queries. This tab will soon be populated with more useful information about your PMM environment.
Server Admin
Backup Management Backup management and storage location configuration.
PMM Advisor Checks Run health assessment checks against your connected databases and check any failed checks.


The DBaaS icon appears only if a server feature flag has been set.

The Backup Management icon appears when Backup Management is activated in Configuration SettingsAdvanced Settings.

Icon (Bottom) Description
(Profile icon) User menu

!Common page elements top row

Item (left) Description
(Display only.)
(Name) / (Optional) Folder name.
(Name) Dashboard name.
Mark as favorite.
Share dashboard.

View controls

Item (right) Description
Dashboard settings.
Cycle view mode.
(time range) Time range selector.
Time range zoom out.
Refresh dashboard.
(Time interval) Refresh period.

View selectors

This menu bar is context-sensitive; it changes according to the page you are on. (With wide menus on small screens, items may wrap to the next row.)


Item Description
Interval Data interval.
Region Filter by region.
Environment Filter by environment.
Cluster Filter by cluster.
Replication Set Filter by replication set.
Node Name Filter by node name.
Service Name Filter by service name.
PMM Annotations View annotations.

Shortcut menu

This menu contains shortcuts to other dashboards. The list changes according to the page you’re on.

This menu will be removed in future releases. Its function will be replaced by the PMM Dashboards main menu entry.

Item Description
Home Home dashboard.
Query Analytics Query Analytics.
Compare Nodes compare.
(Service Type) Service type menu (see Services menu).
HA HA dashboards.
Services Services menu.
PMM PMM menu.


The Compare menu links to the Instances Overview dashboard for the current service type.

Services menu

The Services menu choice determines the Service Type menu.

Menu Item Service type menu Description
MongoDB Instances Overview MongoDB MongoDB dashboards.
MySQL Instances Overview MySQL MySQL dashboards.
Nodes Overview OS OS dashboards.
PostgreSQL Instances Overview PostgreSQL PostgreSQL dashboards.


  • You can easily access all dashboards for monitored services from the Main menu via Other Dashboards in the Services sub menu.
  • Only the services being monitored by PMM will appear on the main menu.

PMM menu

This item lists shortcuts to utility pages.

Menu Item
PMM Add Instance
PMM Advisor Checks
PMM Inventory
PMM Settings

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