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Run Docker with volume

To run Docker with volume:

  1. Pull the image:

    docker pull percona/pmm-server:3
  2. Create a volume:

    docker volume create pmm-data
  3. Run the image:

    docker run --detach --restart always \
    --publish 443:8443 \
    --env PMM_WATCHTOWER_HOST=your_watchtower_host \
    --env PMM_WATCHTOWER_TOKEN=your_watchtower_token \
    --volume pmm-data:/srv \
    --network=pmm_default \
    --name pmm-server \
  4. Change the password for the default admin user, replacing your_secure_password with a strong, unique password:

    docker exec -t pmm-server change-admin-password your_secure_password
  5. Visit https://localhost:443 to see the PMM user interface in a web browser. If you are accessing the Docker host remotely, replace localhost with the IP or server name of the host.