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Install Percona Everest using Helm


Google Container Registry (GCR) is scheduled to be deprecated and will officially shut down on March 18, 2025. All versions of Percona Everest prior to 1.4.0 depend on images hosted on GCR, meaning that downloading those images will fail after the shutdown date. We strongly recommend upgrading to Percona Everest version 1.4.0 as soon as possible. If you do not upgrade, Percona Everest will no longer function.

For more details, refer to the Container Registry Deprecation documentation.

This section explains how to install Percona Everest using Helm as an alternative to everestctl. Helm charts simplify the deployment process by packaging all necessary resources and configurations, making them ideal for automating and managing installations in Kubernetes environments.

Percona Helm charts can be found in percona/percona-helm-charts repository in Github.

Install Percona Everest and deploy database namespaces

Here are the steps to install Percona Everest and deploy additional database namespaces:

  1. Add the Percona Helm repository:

    helm repo add percona
    helm repo update
  2. Install Percona Everest:

    helm install everest-core percona/everest \
    --namespace everest-system \
    What’s happening under the hood

    The command does the following:

    1. Deploys the Percona Everest components in the everest-system namespace. Currently, specifying a different namespace for Percona Everest is not supported.

    2. Deploys a new namespace called everest for your databases and the database operators.

      You can override the name of the database namespace by using the dbNamespace.namespaceOverride parameter. If you prefer to deploy just the core components, set dbNamespace.enabled=false

  3. Once the installation is complete, retrieve the admin password.

    kubectl get secret everest-accounts -n everest-system -o jsonpath='{.data.users\.yaml}' | base64 --decode  | yq '.admin.passwordHash'

    The default username for logging into the Everest UI is admin. You can set a different default admin password by using the server.initialAdminPassword parameter during installation.

    The default admin password is stored in plain text. It is highly recommended to update the password using everestctl to ensure that the passwords are hashed.

    To access detailed information on user management, see the manage users in Percona Everest section.

  4. Access the Everest UI/API using one of the following options for exposing it, as Everest is not exposed with an external IP by default:

    1. Use the following command to change the Everest service type to LoadBalancer:

      kubectl patch svc/everest -n everest-system -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
    2. Retrieve the external IP address for the Everest service. This is the address where you can then launch Everest at the end of the installation procedure. In this example, the external IP address used is

      kubectl get svc/everest -n everest-system
      Expected output
      NAME      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)          AGE
      everest   LoadBalancer       8080:8080/TCP    10s

    A NodePort is a service that makes a specific port accessible on all nodes within the cluster. It enables external traffic to reach services running within the Kubernetes cluster by assigning a static port to each node’s IP address.

    1. Run the following command to change the Everest service type to NodePort:

      kubectl patch svc/everest -n everest-system -p '{"spec": {"type": "NodePort"}}
    2. The following command displays the port assigned by Kubernetes to the everest service, which is 32349 in this case.

      kubectl get svc/everest -n everest-system
      NAME      TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
      everest   NodePort   <none>        8080:32349/TCP   28m
    3. Retrieve the external IP addresses for the kubernetes cluster nodes.

      kubectl get nodes -o wide
      NAME                   STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION             
      gke-everest-test-default-pool-8bbed860-65gx   Ready    <none>   3m35s   
      v1.30.3-gke.1969001   Container- 
      Optimized OS from Google   6.1.100+         containerd://1.7.19
      gke-everest-test-default-pool-8bbed860-pqzb   Ready    <none>   3m35s   
      v1.30.3-gke.1969001    Container- 
      Optimized OS from Google   6.1.100+         containerd://1.7.19
      gke-everest-test-default-pool-8bbed860-s0hg   Ready    <none>   3m35s   
      v1.30.3-gke.1969001   Container- 
      Optimized OS from Google   6.1.100+         containerd://1.7.19
    4. To launch the Percona Everest UI and create your first database cluster, go to the IP address/port found in steps 2 and 3. In this example, the external IP address used is Nevertheless, you have the option to use any node IP specified in the above steps.

    Run the following command to use Kubectl port-forwarding for connecting to Everest without exposing the service:

    kubectl port-forward svc/everest 8080:8080 -n everest-system

    To launch the Percona Everest UI and create your first database cluster, go to your localhost IP address

  5. Deploy additional database namespaces:

    Once Percona Everest is successfully running, you can create additional database namespaces using the everest-db-namespace Helm chart.

    If you set dbNamespaces.enabled=false in step 2, you can deploy a database namespace with the following command:

    helm install everest \
    percona/everest-db-namespace \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace <DB namespace>


    • All database operators are installed in your database namespace by default. You can override this by specifying one or more of the following options: [dbNamespace.pxc=false,, dbNamespace.psmdb=false].
    • Installation without chart hooks (i.e, the use of --no-hooks) is currently not supported.

Configure parameters

You can customize various parameters in the Percona Everest Helm charts for your deployment to meet your specific needs. Refer to the Helm documentation to discover how to configure these parameters.

A few parameters are listed in the following table. For a detailed list of the parameters, see the README.

percona/everest chart

Key Type Default Description
server.initialAdminPassword string ”“ Initial password configured for admin user.

If it is not set, a random password is generated. It is recommended to reset the admin password after installation.
server.oidc object {} OIDC configuration for Everest.

These settings are applied only during installation. To modify the settings after installation, you have to manually update the everest-settings ConfigMap.

percona/everest-db-namespace subchart

Key Type Default Description
pxc bool true Installs the Percona XtraDB Cluster operator if set.
everest-db-namespace postgresql bool true
psmdb bool true Installs the Percona Server MongoDB operator if set.