Contributing guide¶
Thank you for deciding to contribute and help us improve Percona Everest! We also contribute to other open source projects and communities! Let’s make technology better!
By contributing, you agree to the Percona Community code of conduct.
We welcome all kinds of contributions so here’s how you can get involved:
- Submit bug reports or feature requests
- Submit a code patch
- Contribute to documentation
Submit a bug report or feature request¶
If you find a bug in Percona Everest, you can submit a report via the Percona Everest Community Forum. Start by searching the open topics for a similar report. If you find that someone else has already reported the same issue, you can upvote that report to increase its visibility.
If there is no existing report, submit a report following these steps:
Sign in to Percona Everest Forum. You will need to create an account if you do not have one.
Create a report that:
- describes the steps to reproduce the issue
- includes the version of Percona Everest, your environment, and so on
- has not been reported already
- is scoped to a single bug
Contribute to Percona Everest code¶
If you’d like to submit a code patch, follow the Contributing guide in Everest code repository.
Contribute to Percona Everest documentation¶
Found a typo or didn’t find what you needed? Here’s how you can contribute to the documentation:
Request a doc change through a Jira issue. If you’ve spotted a doc issue (a typo, broken links, inaccurate instructions, etc.) but don’t have time nor desire to fix it yourself - let us know about it.
- Click the Jira link in the contact us section. This opens the Jira issue tracker.
- Sign in (create a Jira account if you don’t have one) and click Create to create an issue.
- Describe the issue you have detected in the Summary, Description, Steps To Reproduce, Affects Version fields.
Contribute to documentation directly.
To contribute to the documentation, you should be familiar with the following technologies:
files are in thedocs/
directory.Edit documentation online via GitHub.
Select the pencil icon next to the page title to open the source file in the GitHub editor. If you haven’t worked with the repository before, GitHub creates a fork of it for you.
Edit the page. You can check your changes on the Preview tab.
Commit your changes:
- In the Commit changes section, describe your changes.
- Select the Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request option.
- Click Propose changes.
GitHub creates a branch and a commit for your changes. It loads a new page on which you can open a pull request to Percona. The page shows the base branch - the one you offer your changes for, your commit message and a diff - a visual representation of your changes against the original page. This allows you to make a last-minute review. When you are ready, click the Create pull request button.
Someone from our team reviews the pull request and if everything is correct, merges it into the documentation. Then it gets published on the site.