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Percona Server for MongoDB 6.0.13-10 (2024-02-20)


Percona Server for MongoDB 6.0.13-10 is an enhanced, source-available, and highly-scalable database that is a fully-compatible, drop-in replacement for MongoDB Community Edition 6.0.13

It is based on MongoDB 6.0.13 Community Edition and supports the upstream protocols and drivers.

Release Highlights

  • Percona Server for MongoDB packages are available for ARM64 architectures, enabling users to install it on premises. The ARM64 packages are available for the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa)

  • Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and compatible derivatives
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 and compatible derivatives

Improvements and bug fixes, provided by MongoDB and included in Percona Server for MongoDB are the following:

  • SERVER-33494 - Removed size storer entries upon collection drop
  • SERVER-50792 - Improved shard key index error messages by adding detailed information about an invalid index.
  • SERVER-70155 - Improved slow query logging by adding the duration between a write operation getting a commit timestamp and actually committing. This helps identify issues where operations are committing slowly and are slowing down replication.
  • SERVER-77506 - Fixed the issue with data and ShardVersion mismatch on sharded multi-document transactions by exposing the maxValidAfter timestamp alongside the shardVersion
  • SERVER-83091 - Fixed the issue with infinite loop during plan enumeration triggered by the $or queries

Find the full list of new features and improvements in the release notes for MongoDB 6.0.13 Community Edition.

Packaging changes

Percona Server for MongoDB 6.0.13-10 is no longer available on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver).