Manipulate data in Percona Server for MongoDB¶
After you connected to Percona Server for MongoDB, let’s insert some data and operate with it.
To secure the data, you may wish to use data-at-rest encryption. Note that you can only enable it on an empty database. Otherwise you must clean up the data directory first.
See the following documentation for data-at-rest encryption:
Insert data¶
For example, let’s add an item to the
collection. Use theinsertOne()
command for this purpose:> db.fruits.insertOne( {item: "apple", qty: 50} )
If there is no
collection in the database, it will be created during the command execution.Sample output
{ acknowledged: true, insertedId: ObjectId('659c2b846252bfad93fc1578') }
Now, let’s add more fruits to the
collection using theinsertMany()
command:> db.fruits.insertMany([ {item: "banana", weight: "kg", qty: 10 }, {item: "peach", weight: "kg", qty: 30} ])
Sample output
{ acknowledged: true, insertedIds: { '0': ObjectId('659c2bc46252bfad93fc1579'), '1': ObjectId('659c2bc46252bfad93fc157a') } }
See Insert documents for more information about data insertion.
Query data¶
Run the following command to query data in MongoDB:
> db.fruits.find()
Sample output
{ _id: ObjectId('659c2b846252bfad93fc1578'), item: 'apple', qty: 50 },
_id: ObjectId('659c2bc46252bfad93fc1579'),
item: 'banana',
weight: 'kg',
qty: 10
_id: ObjectId('659c2bc46252bfad93fc157a'),
item: 'peach',
weight: 'kg',
qty: 30
Refer to the Query documents documentation to for more information about reading data.
Update data¶
Let’s update the apples
entry by adding weight to it.
Use the
command for that:> db.fruits.updateOne( {"item": "apple" }, {$set: {"weight": "kg"}} )
Sample output
{ acknowledged: true, insertedId: null, matchedCount: 1, modifiedCount: 1, upsertedCount: 0 }
Query the collection to check the updated document:
> db.fruits.find({item: "apple"})
Sample output
[ { _id: ObjectId('659c2b846252bfad93fc1578'), item: 'apple', qty: 50, weight: 'kg' } ]
See Update methods documentation for other available data update methods
Delete data¶
Run the following command to delete all documents where the quantity is less than 30 kg:
> db.fruits.deleteMany(
{"qty": {$lt: 30} }
Sample output
{ acknowledged: true, deletedCount: 1 }
Learn more about deleting data in Delete methods documentation.
Congratulations! You have used basic create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operations to manipulate data in Percona Server for MongoDB. See MongoDB CRUD Concepts manual to learn more about CRUD operations.