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Setup and prerequisites

Percona Everest has two primary components:

  • Percona Everest CLI, which connects Percona Everest to your Kubernetes cluster.
  • Percona Everest application with the UI, which you can spin up using the instructions below.

Supported operators

  • Percona Operator for MySQL Based on Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) 1.14.0, 1.15.0
  • Percona Operator for MongoDB (PSMDB) 1.15.0
  • Percona Operator for PostgreSQL (PG) 2.3.1, 2.4.1

Supported k8s clusters

Percona Everest works on most of the cloud K8s and on most of the on-prem vanilla K8s.

However, not all the many combinations of K8s distributions and K8s versions might be fully tested and certified. Refer to the matrix below and reach out to us should you have any questions.

Platform Kubernetes Version State
Google GKE 1.27 - 1.29 Fully tested and certified
Amazon EKS 1.28 - 1.30 Fully tested and certified
Azure AKS - Works but not fully certified yet
DigitalOcean - Works but not fully certified yet
Vanilla K8s (kubeadm) - Works but not fully certified yet
OpenShift - Coming soon
Other cloud K8s - Should work but not fully certified yet


Air-gapped environments (i.e. environments physically isolated from unsecured networks such as the public Internet) are not currently supported. Their support is coming soon.

Before you install

Percona Everest assists with installing all the necessary operators and required packages, but does not currently help with spinning up a publicly accessible Kubernetes cluster.

We recommend setting up Percona Everest on the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) or on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), as Percona Everest may not work as expected on local Kubernetes installations (minikube, kind, k3d, or similar products) due to network issues.


Before getting started with Percona Everest, we recommend that you:

  1. Install AWS CLI for EKS or the gcloud CLI for GKE.
  2. Verify that you have access to the Kubernetes cluster that you want to use with Everest. By default, Everest uses the kubeconfig file available under ~/.kube/config. Run the following command:

    kubectl get nodes
    Expected output
        NAME                                       STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
        gke-<name>-default-pool-75d48bfc-bx8g      Ready    <none>   11h   v1.26.7-gke.500
        gke-<name>-default-pool-75d48bfc-c2df      Ready    <none>   11h   v1.26.7-gke.500
        gke-<name>-default-pool-75d48bfc-zl7k      Ready    <none>   11h   v1.26.7-gke.500

Next steps

Start by installing Everest:

Install Everest

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