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Creating a private S3-compatible cloud for backups

As it is mentioned in backups, any cloud storage which implements the S3 API can be used for backups. The one way to setup and implement the S3 API storage on Kubernetes or OpenShift is Minio - the S3-compatible object storage server deployed via Docker on your own infrastructure.

Setting up Minio to be used with Percona Operator for MongoDB backups involves the following steps:

  1. Install Minio in your Kubernetes or OpenShift environment and create the correspondent Kubernetes Service as follows:

    $ helm install \
      --name minio-service \
      --version 8.0.5 \
      --set accessKey=some-access-key \
      --set secretKey=some-secret-key \
      --set service.type=ClusterIP \
      --set configPath=/tmp/.minio/ \
      --set persistence.size=2G \
      --set environment.MINIO_REGION=us-east-1 \

    Don’t forget to substitute default some-access-key and some-secret-key strings in this command with actual unique key values. The values can be used later for access control. The storageClass option is needed if you are using the special Kubernetes Storage Class for backups. Otherwise, this setting may be omitted. You may also notice the MINIO_REGION value which is may not be used within a private cloud. Use the same region value here and on later steps (us-east-1 is a good default choice).

  2. Create an S3 bucket for backups:

    $ kubectl run -i --rm aws-cli --image=perconalab/awscli --restart=Never -- \
      bash -c 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=some-access-key \
      AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=some-secret-key \
      AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 \
      /usr/bin/aws \
      --endpoint-url http://minio-service:9000 \
      s3 mb s3://operator-testing'

    This command creates the bucket named operator-testing with the selected access and secret keys (substitute some-access-key and some-secret-key with the values used on the previous step).

  3. Now edit the backup section of the deploy/cr.yaml file to set proper values for the bucket (the S3 bucket for backups created on the previous step), region, credentialsSecret and the endpointUrl (which should point to the previously created Minio Service).

      enabled: true
      version: 0.3.0
          type: s3
            bucket: operator-testing
            region: us-east-1
            credentialsSecret: my-cluster-name-backup-minio
            endpointUrl: http://minio-service:9000

    The option which should be specially mentioned is credentialsSecret which is a Kubernetes secret for backups. Sample backup-s3.yaml can be used to create this secret object. Check that the object contains the proper name value and is equal to the one specified for credentialsSecret, i.e. my-cluster-name-backup-minio in the backup to Minio example, and also contains the proper AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY keys. After you have finished editing the file, the secrets object are created or updated when you run the following command:

    $ kubectl apply -f deploy/backup-s3.yaml
  4. When the setup process is completed, making the backup is based on a script. Following example illustrates how to make an on-demand backup:

    $ kubectl run -it --rm pbmctl --image=percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator:0.3.0-backup-pbmctl --restart=Never -- \
       run backup \
       --server-address=<cluster-name>-backup-coordinator:10001 \
       --storage <storage> \
       --compression-algorithm=gzip \

    Don’t forget to specify the name of your cluster instead of the <cluster-name> part of the Backup Coordinator URL (the cluster name is specified in the deploy/cr.yaml file). Also substitute <storage> with the actual storage name located in a subsection inside of the backups in the deploy/cr.yaml file. In the earlier example this value is minio.

  5. To restore a previously saved backup you must specify the backup name. With the proper Backup Coordinator URL and storage name, you can obtain a list of the available backups:

    $ kubectl run -it --rm pbmctl --image=percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator:0.3.0-backup-pbmctl --restart=Never -- list backups --server-address=<cluster-name>-backup-coordinator:10001

    Now, restore the backup, using backup name instead of the backup-name parameter:

    $ kubectl run -it --rm pbmctl --image=percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator:0.3.0-backup-pbmctl --restart=Never -- \
       run restore \
       --server-address=<cluster-name>-backup-coordinator:10001 \
       --storage <storage> \

Last update: 2025-02-20