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Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator 1.9.0

Release Highlights

  • Starting from this release, the Operator changes its official name to Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator. This new name emphasizes graduate changes which incorporated a collection of Percona’s solutions to run and operate MongoDB Server, available separately as Percona Distribution for MongoDB.

  • It is now possible to restore backups from S3-compatible storage to a new Kubernetes-based environment with no existing Backup Custom Resources

  • You can now customize Percona Server for MongoDB by storing custom configuration for Replica Set, mongos, and Config Server instances in ConfigMaps or in Secrets

New Features

  • K8SPSMDB-276: Restore backups to a new Kubernetes-based environment with no existing Backup Custom Resource

  • K8SPSMDB-444, K8SPSMDB-445: Allow storing custom configuration in ConfigMaps and Secrets


  • K8SPSMDB-365: Unblock backups even if just a single Replica Set node is available by setting allowUnsafeConfigurations flag to true

  • K8SPSMDB-453: It is now possible to see the overall progress of the provisioning of MongoDB cluster resources and dependent components in Custom Resource status

  • K8SPSMDB-451, K8SPSMDB-398: MongoDB cluster resource statuses in Custom Resource output (e.g. returned by kubectl get psmdb command) have been improved and now provide more precise reporting

  • K8SPSMDB-425: Remove mongos.expose.enabled option from Custom Resource and always expose mongos (with the ClusterIP exposeType by default)

  • K8SPSMDB-421: Secret object containing system users passwords is now deleted along with the Cluster if delete-psmdb-pvc finalizer is enabled

  • K8SPSMDB-411: Added options to specify custom memory and CPU requirements for Arbiter instances

  • K8SPSMDB-329: Reduced the number of various etcd and k8s object updates from the operator to minimize the pressure on the Kubernetes cluster

Bugs Fixed

  • K8SPSMDB-437: Fixed a bug where Labels were not set on Persistent Volume Claim objects when set on the respective Pods

  • K8SPSMDB-435: Fixed a bug that prevented adding custom Labels to mongos Pods

  • K8SPSMDB-423: Fixed a bug where unpause of a cluster did not work when replsets.expose = LoadBalancer because of provisioning new Load Balancers with different names (Thanks to Aliaksandr Karavai for reporting this issue)

  • K8SPSMDB-494: When upgrading MongoDB clusters with Smart Update, the statuses reported in Custom Resource are now reflecting the real state

  • K8SPSMDB-489: Fixed a bug where the status of successful backups could be set to error in case of a cluster crash

  • K8SPSMDB-462: Fixed a bug where psmdb-backup object could not be deleted if the backup was not successful

  • K8SPSMDB-456: Fixed a bug where Smart Update was not upgrading a MongoDB deployment with a replica set consisting of one node

  • K8SPSMDB-455: Fixed a bug that prevented major version downgrade to a specific version number when upgradeOptions.setFCV Custom Resource option was not updated to the new version

  • K8SPSMDB-485: Fixed TLS documentation that referenced incorrect Secrets names from the cr.yaml configuration file

Deprecation and Removal

  • We are simplifying the way the user can customize MongoDB components such as mongod and mongos. It is now possible to set custom configuration through ConfigMaps and Secrets Kubernetes resources. The following options will be deprecated in Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator v1.9.0+, and completely removed in v1.12.0+:

    • sharding.mongos.auditLog.\*



    • mongod.setParameter.\*


    • mongod.operationProfiling.mode

    • mongod.auditLog.\*

  • The mongos.expose.enabled option has been completely removed from the Custom Resource as it was causing confusion for the users

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Last update: 2024-10-23