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Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona Server for MongoDB 1.5.0

New Features

  • K8SPSMDB-233: Automatic management of system users for MongoDB on password rotation via Secret

  • K8SPSMDB-226: Official Helm chart for the Operator

  • K8SPSMDB-199: Support multiple PSMDB minor versions by the Operator

  • K8SPSMDB-198: Fully Automate Minor Version Updates (Smart Update)


  • K8SPSMDB-192: The ability to set the mongod cursorTimeoutMillis parameter in YAML (Thanks to user xprt64 for the contribution)

  • K8SPSMDB-234: OpenShift 4.5 support

  • K8SPSMDB-197: Additional certificate SANs useful for reverse DNS lookups (Thanks to user phin1x for the contribution)

  • K8SPSMDB-190: Direct API quering with “curl” instead of using “kubectl” tool in scheduled backup jobs (Thanks to user phin1x for the contribution)

  • K8SPSMDB-133: A special Percona Server for MongoDB debug image which avoids restarting on fail and contains additional tools useful for debugging

  • CLOUD-556: Kubernetes 1.17 / Google Kubernetes Engine 1.17 support

Bugs Fixed

  • K8SPSMDB-213: Installation instruction not reflecting recent changes in git tags (Thanks to user geraintj for reporting this issue)

  • K8SPSMDB-210: Backup documentation not reflecting changes in Percona Backup for MongoDB

  • K8SPSMDB-180: Replset and cluster having “ready” status set before mongo initialization and replicasets configuration finished

  • K8SPSMDB-179: The “error” cluster status instead of the “initializing” one during the replset initialization

  • CLOUD-531: Wrong usage of strings.TrimLeft when processing apiVersion

Last update: 2025-02-07