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Percona Operators

Easily create and manage highly available, enterprise-ready MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB clusters on Kubernetes with Percona Operators. Eliminate the complexities of Day 1 and Day 2 database operations and seamlessly integrate with your existing Infrastructure-as-code and DevOps tools.


Percona Operator for PostgreSQL

Percona Operator for PostgreSQL is powerful open source software that automates the full cycle of cloud-native PostgreSQL database operations on Kubernetes.

Percona Operator for MongoDB

Based on best practices for the configuration of Percona Server for MongoDB, the Operator automates deployment and management of MongoDB clusters on Kubernetes, saving your time and ensuring a consistent environment.

Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster

Create and manage highly available, enterprise-ready MySQL database clusters on Kubernetes powered by Percona XtraDB Cluster with syncronous replication.

Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona Server for MySQL

Create and manage highly available, enterprise-ready MySQL database clusters on Kubernetes. Supports asyncronous and group replication. Currently in Alpha stage.