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Percona Operator for MongoDB 1.12.0

Release Highlights

  • With this release, the Operator turns to a simplified naming convention and changes its official name to Percona Operator for MongoDB

  • The Operator is able now to use the Amazon Web Services feature of authenticating applications running on EC2 instances based on Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles assigned to the instance; this makes it possible to configure S3 backup on AWS without using IAM keys saved in Secrets

  • This release brings support for the Multi Cluster Services (MCS). This allows users to deploy MongoDB with Percona Operator across multiple Kubernetes clusters using MCS, which extends the reach of the Service object beyond one cluster, so one Service can be used across multiple clusters. It can be used to provide disaster recovery or perform a migration for MongoDB clusters.

  • The OpenAPI schema is now generated for the Operator , which allows Kubernetes to perform Custom Resource validation and saves user from occasionally applying deploy/cr.yaml with syntax typos

New Features

  • K8SPSMDB-185: Allow using AWS EC2 instances for backups with IAM roles assigned to the instance instead of using stored IAM credentials (Thanks to Oleksii for reporting this issue)

  • K8SPSMDB-625: Integrate the Operator with Multi Cluster Services (MCS)

  • K8SPSMDB-668: Adding support for enabling replication over a service mesh (Thanks to Jo Lyshoel for contribution)


Bugs Fixed

  • K8SPSMDB-597: Fix a bug in the Operator helm chart which caused deleting the watched Namespace on uninstall (Thanks to Andrei Nistor for reporting this issue)

  • K8SPSMDB-640: Fix a regression which prevented labels from being applied to Pods after the Custom Resource change

  • K8SPSMDB-583: Fix a bug which caused backup crashing if not set or set to zero

  • K8SPSMDB-540 and K8SPSMDB-563: Fix a bug which could cause a cluster crash when reducing the configured Replicaset size between deletion and re-creation of the cluster

  • K8SPSMDB-608: Fix a bug due to which the password of backup user was printed in backup agent logs (Thanks to Antoine Ozenne for reporting this issue)

  • K8SPSMDB-599: A new mongos.expose.servicePerPod option allows deploying a separate ClusterIP Service for each mongos instance, which prevents the failure of a multi-threaded transaction executed with the same driver instance and ended up on a different mongos. Starting from this release, mongos is deployed by StatefulSet instead of Deployment object

  • K8SPSMDB-656: Fix a bug which caused cluster name being not displayed in the backup Custom Resource output with psmdbCluster set in the backup spec

  • K8SPSMDB-653: Fix a bug due to which spec.ImagePullPolicy options from deploy/cr.yaml wasn’t applied to backup and pmm-client images

  • K8SPSMDB-632: Fix a bug which caused the Operator to perform Smart Update on the initial deployment

  • K8SPSMDB-624: Fix a bug due to which the Operator didn’t grant enough permissions to the Cluster Monitor user necessary for Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) (Thanks to Richard CARRE for reporting this issue)

  • K8SPSMDB-618: Improve security and meet compliance requirements by building MongoDB Operator based on Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI) 8 instead of UBI 7

  • K8SPSMDB-602: Fix a thread leak in a mongod container of the Replica Set Pods, which occurred when setting setFCV flag to true in Custom Resource

  • K8SPSMDB-560: Fix a bug due to which serviceName tag was not set to all members in the Replica Set

  • K8SPSMDB-533: Fix a bug due to which setting password with a special character for a system user was breaking the cluster

Known Issues

  • K8SPSMDB-686: The Operator versions 1.11.0 and 1.12.0 can not be downscaled from a sharding to non-sharding/Replica Set configuration on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 1.19-1.21 (GKE 1.22 is not affected)

Deprecation, Rename and Removal

  • K8SPSMDB-596: The spec.mongod section is removed from the Custom Resource configuration. Starting from now, mongod options should be passed to Replica Sets using spec.replsets.[].configuration key, except the following 3 options:

    • key was left in a deprecated state in favor of the new spec.secrets.encryptionKey option

    • and options are now only available from the section

Before the upgrade, please ensure that you have moved all custom MongoDB parameters to proper places!

  • K8SPSMDB-228: The spec.psmdbCluster option in the example on-demand backup configuration file backup/backup.yaml was renamed to spec.clusterName (psmdbCluster will be valid till 1.15 version)

Supported Platforms

The following platforms were tested and are officially supported by the Operator 1.12.0:

  • OpenShift 4.7 - 4.10

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 1.19 - 1.22

  • Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) 1.19 - 1.22

  • Minikube 1.23

This list only includes the platforms that the Percona Operators are specifically tested on as part of the release process. Other Kubernetes flavors and versions depend on the backward compatibility offered by Kubernetes itself.

Last update: 2025-03-28