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Install Percona Server for MongoDB on Minikube

Installing the Percona Operator for MongoDB on Minikube is the easiest way to try it locally without a cloud provider. Minikube runs Kubernetes on GNU/Linux, Windows, or macOS system using a system-wide hypervisor, such as VirtualBox, KVM/QEMU, VMware Fusion or Hyper-V. Using it is a popular way to test Kubernetes application locally prior to deploying it on a cloud.

The following steps are needed to run Percona Operator for MongoDB on minikube:

  1. Install minikube , using a way recommended for your system. This includes the installation of the following three components:

    1. kubectl tool,

    2. a hypervisor, if it is not already installed,

    3. actual minikube package

    After the installation, run minikube start --memory=5120 --cpus=4 --disk-size=30g (parameters increase the virtual machine limits for the CPU cores, memory, and disk, to ensure stable work of the Operator). Being executed, this command will download needed virtualized images, then initialize and run the cluster. After Minikube is successfully started, you can optionally run the Kubernetes dashboard, which visually represents the state of your cluster. Executing minikube dashboard will start the dashboard and open it in your default web browser.

  2. Deploy the operator using the following command:

    $ kubectl apply --server-side -f
  3. Deploy MongoDB cluster with:

    $ kubectl apply -f


    This deploys a one-shard MongoDB cluster with one replica set with one node, one mongos node and one config server node. The deploy/cr-minimal.yaml is for minimal non-production deployment. For more configuration options please see deploy/cr.yaml and Custom Resource Options. You can clone the repository with all manifests and source code by executing the following command:

    $ git clone -b v1.17.0

    After editing the needed options, apply your modified deploy/cr.yaml file as follows:

    $ kubectl apply -f deploy/cr.yaml

    The creation process may take some time.

    The process is over when both operator and replica set pod have reached their Running status. kubectl get pods output should look like this:

    You can also track the progress via the Kubernetes dashboard:


Verifying the cluster operation

It may take ten minutes to get the cluster started. When kubectl get pods command finally shows you the cluster is ready, you can try to connect to the cluster.

To connect to Percona Server for MongoDB you need to construct the MongoDB connection URI string. It includes the credentials of the admin user, which are stored in the Secrets object.

  1. List the Secrets objects

    $ kubectl get secrets -n <namespace>

    The Secrets object you are interested in has the minimal-cluster-secrets name by default.

  2. View the Secret contents to retrive the admin user credentials.

    $ kubectl get secret minimal-cluster-secrets -o yaml
    The command returns the YAML file with generated Secrets, including the MONGODB_DATABASE_ADMIN_USER and MONGODB_DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD strings, which should look as follows:

    Sample output

    The actual login name and password on the output are base64-encoded. To bring it back to a human-readable form, run:

    $ echo 'MONGODB_DATABASE_ADMIN_USER' | base64 --decode
    $ echo 'MONGODB_DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD' | base64 --decode
  3. Run a container with a MongoDB client and connect its console output to your terminal. The following command does this, naming the new Pod percona-client:

    $ kubectl run -i --rm --tty percona-client --image=percona/percona-server-mongodb:7.0.12-7 --restart=Never -- bash -il

    Executing it may require some time to deploy the corresponding Pod.

  4. Now run mongosh tool inside the percona-client command shell using the admin user credentialds you obtained from the Secret, and a proper namespace name instead of the <namespace name> placeholder. The command will look different depending on whether sharding is on (the default behavior) or off:

    $ mongosh "mongodb://databaseAdmin:databaseAdminPassword@minimal-cluster-mongos.<namespace name>.svc.cluster.local/admin?ssl=false"
    $ mongosh "mongodb+srv://databaseAdmin:databaseAdminPassword@minimal-cluster-rs0.<namespace name>.svc.cluster.local/admin?replicaSet=rs0&ssl=false"


    If you are using MongoDB versions earler than 6.x (such as 5.0.28-24 instead of the default 7.0.12-7 variant), substitute mongosh command with mongo in the above examples.

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Last update: 2024-10-23