- About Percona XtraBackup
- Accelerate the backup process
- Analyze table statistics
- Work with AppArmor
- Backup example
- Backup process overview
- Backup strategy and backup policy
- Work with binary logs
- Binary tarball file names available
- Clean up
- Compile and install Percona XtraBackup 8.0 from source
- Configure xtrabackup
- Connection and privileges needed
- Copyright and licensing information
- Create a compressed backup
- Create a full backup
- Create a partial backup
- Create an incremental backup
- Create an individual partitions backup
- Decompress and prepare a backup
- Dictionary cache
- Differences between a logical backup and Percona XtraBackup
- Encrypt backups
- Encrypted InnoDB tablespace backups
- Error Message: Found tables with row versions due to INSTANT ADD/DROP columns
- Exponential backoff
- FIFO data sink
- Files in the DEB package built for Percona XtraBackup 8.0
- Files in the RPM package built for Percona XtraBackup 8.0
- Frequently asked questions
- Get help from Percona
- Glossary
- How Percona XtraBackup works
- How to create a new (or repair a broken) GTID-based replica
- How to set up a replica for replication in 6 simple steps with Percona XtraBackup
- Improved log statements
- Index of files created by Percona XtraBackup
- InnoDB redo log archiving
- Install Percona XtraBackup 8.0 from a binary tarball
- Install Percona XtraBackup 8.0 overview
- Install Percona XtraBackup on Debian-based systems
- Install Percona XtraBackup on Red Hat-based systems
- Install with DEB packages
- Install with RPM packages
- lock-ddl-per-table option improvements
- LRU dump backup
- Make backups in replication environments
- Next steps
- Overview
- Percona Product Download Instructions
- Percona Toolkit version checking
- Percona XtraBackup - Documentation
- Percona XtraBackup 8.0 release notes index
- Percona XtraBackup binaries overview
- Percona XtraBackup Version Compatibility and Server Version Checks
- Permissions needed
- Pin packages in Debian-based systems
- Point-in-time recovery
- Prepare a full backup
- Prepare a partial backup
- Prepare an incremental backup
- Prepare an individual partitions backup
- Restore a backup
- Restore a partial backup
- Restore individual tables
- Restore the backup
- Restore the partition from the backup
- Run Percona XtraBackup 8.0 in a Docker container
- Work with SELinux
- Smart memory estimation
- Start a Docker container and take a backup
- Store backup history on the server
- Supported versions
- Take a streaming backup
- Take an incremental backup using page tracking
- Throttling backups
- Topic index
- Trademark policy
- Understand version numbers
- Uninstall Percona XtraBackup 8.0 on Debian-based systems
- Uninstall Percona XtraBackup 8.0 on Red Hat-based systems
- update-curl-utility
- Use the xbcloud binary with Amazon S3
- Use the xbcloud binary with an IAM instance profile
- Use the xbcloud binary with Google Cloud Storage
- Use the xbcloud binary with Microsoft Azure Cloud Storage
- Use the xbcloud binary with MinIO
- Use the xbcloud binary with Swift
- Verify backups with replication and pt-checksum
- The xbcloud binary overview
- The xbcloud command-line options
- The xbcrypt binary overview
- The xbcrypt command-line options
- The xbstream binary overview
- The xbstream command-line options
- The xtrabackup binary overview
- The xtrabackup command-line options
- xtrabackup exit codes
- xtrabackup implementation details
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