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Install Percona Distribution for MySQL

We gather Telemetry data on Percona XtraDB Cluster in the Percona packages and Docker images.

We recommend installing Percona Distribution for MySQL from Percona repositories using the package manager of your operating system:

  • apt - for Debian and Ubuntu Linux
  • yum - for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and compatible Linux derivatives

Find the full list of supported platforms on the Percona Software and Platform Lifecycle page.

Repository overview: Major and Minor repositories

Percona provides two repositories for every deployment variant of Percona Distribution for MySQL.

The Major Release repository includes the latest version packages (for example, pdps-8.0 and pdpxc-8.0). Whenever a package is updated, the package manager of your operating system detects that and prompts you to update. As long as you update all Distribution packages at the same time, you can ensure that the packages you’re using have been tested and verified by Percona. Installing Percona Distribution for MySQL from the Major Release Repository is the recommended method.

The Minor Release repository includes a particular minor release of the database and all of the packages that were tested and verified to work with that minor release (for example, pdps-8.0.19 and pdpxc-8.0.19). You may choose to install Percona Distribution for MySQL from the Minor Release repository if you have decided to standardize on a particular release which has passed rigorous testing procedures and which has been verified to work with your applications. This allows you to deploy to a new host and ensure that you’ll be using the same version of all the Distribution packages, even if newer releases exist in other repositories.

The disadvantage of using a Minor Release repository is that you are locked in this particular release. When potentially critical fixes are released in a later minor version of the database, you will not be prompted for an upgrade by the package manager of your operating system. You would need to change the configured repository in order to install the upgrade.


To install Percona software, you need to configure the required repository. To simplify this process, use the percona-release repository management tool.

  1. Install GnuPG and curl

    $ sudo apt install gnupg2 curl
  2. Install percona-release. If you have it installed, update percona-release to the latest version.



Run the following commands as the root user or via sudo.

Enable Percona repository

To enable the desired repository, we recommend to use the setup subcommand of percona-release.

$ sudo percona-release setup pdps-8.0


To enable the minor version repository, use the following command:

$ sudo percona-release setup pdps-8.0.20

Install Percona Distribution for MySQL packages

  1. Install Percona Server for MySQL:

    $ sudo apt install percona-server-server
  2. Install the components. Use the commands below to install the required components:

    Install Percona XtraBackup:

    $ sudo apt install percona-xtrabackup-80

    Install Percona Toolkit:

    $ sudo apt install percona-toolkit

    Install Orchestrator:

    $ sudo apt install percona-orchestrator percona-orchestrator-cli percona-orchestrator-client

    Install MySQL Shell:

    $ sudo apt install percona-mysql-shell

    Install ProxySQL:

    $ sudo apt install proxysql2

    Install MySQL Router:

    $ sudo apt install percona-mysql-router

Platform specific notes

On CentOS 7, install the epel-release package. It includes the dependencies required to install Orchestrator. Use the following command:

$ sudo yum -y install epel-release

Run the following commands as the root user or via sudo.

Enable Percona repository

To enable the desired repository, we recommend to use the setup subcommand of percona-release.

$ sudo percona-release setup pdps-8.0


To enable the minor version repository, use the following command:

$ sudo percona-release setup pdps-8.0.20

Install Percona Distribution for MySQL packages

  1. Install Percona Server for MySQL:

    $ sudo yum install percona-server-server
  2. Install the components. Use the commands below to install the required components:

    Install Percona XtraBackup

    $ sudo yum install percona-xtrabackup-80

    Install Orchestrator

    $ sudo yum install percona-orchestrator percona-orchestrator-cli percona-orchestrator-client

    Install Percona Toolkit

    $ sudo yum install percona-toolkit

    Install MySQL Shell:

    $ sudo yum install percona-mysql-shell

    Install ProxySQL:

    $ sudo yum install proxysql2

    Install MySQL Router:

    $ sudo yum install percona-mysql-router


Run the following commands as the root user or via sudo.

Enable Percona repository

To enable the desired repository, we recommend to use the setup subcommand of percona-release.

$ sudo percona-release setup pdps-8.0


To enable the minor version repository, use the following command:

$ sudo percona-release setup pdpxc-8.0.20

Install Percona Distribution for MySQL packages

  1. Install Percona XtraDB Cluster:

    $ sudo apt install percona-xtradb-cluster
  2. Install HAProxy:

    $ sudo apt install percona-haproxy
  3. Install the components. Use the commands below to install the required components:

    Install Percona XtraBackup:

    $ sudo apt install percona-xtrabackup-80

    Install Percona Toolkit:

    $ sudo apt install percona-toolkit


Run the following commands as the root user or via sudo.

Enable Percona repository

To enable the desired repository, we recommend to use the setup subcommand of percona-release.

$ sudo percona-release setup pdps-8.0


To enable the minor version repository, use the following command:

$ sudo percona-release setup pdpxc-8.0.20

Install Percona Distribution for MySQL packages

  1. Install Percona XtraDB Cluster:

    $ sudo yum install percona-xtradb-cluster
  2. Install HAProxy:

    $ sudo yum install percona-haproxy
  3. Install the components. Use the commands below to install the required components:

    Install Percona XtraBackup:

    $ sudo yum install percona-xtrabackup-80

    Install Percona Toolkit:

    $ sudo yum install percona-toolkit

Run Percona Distribution for MySQL

Percona Distribution for MySQL is not started automatically on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS after the installation is complete.

Start it manually using the following command:

$ sudo systemctl start mysql

Confirm that the service is running:

$ sudo systemctl status mysql

Stop the service:

$ sudo systemctl stop mysql

Percona Software Download Instructions