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Percona Distribution for MySQL 8.0.27 using Percona Server for MySQL (2022-03-03)

Release date March 03, 2022
Installation Installing Percona Distribution for MySQL

Percona Distribution for MySQL is a single solution with the best and most critical enterprise components from the MySQL open-source community, designed and tested to work together.

Percona Distribution for MySQL provides two deployment variants: one is based on Percona Server for MySQL and another one is based on Percona XtraDB Cluster.

This release of Percona Distribution for MySQL is focused on the Percona Server for MySQL-based deployment variant. It is based on Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.27-18.

Release Highlights

The following list are some of the bug fixes for MySQL 8.0.27, provided by Oracle, and included in Percona Server for MySQL and Percona Distribution for MySQL:

  • The default_authentication_plugin is deprecated. Support for this plugin may be removed in future versions. Use the authentication_policy variable.

  • The binary operator is deprecated. Support for this operator may be removed in future versions. Use CAST(... AS BINARY).

  • Fix for when a parent table initiates a cascading SET NULL operation on the child table, the virtual column can be set to NULL instead of the value derived from the parent table.

Packaging Notes

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (and derivative Linux distributions) are no longer supported.

Known issues

The RPM packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (and compatible derivatives) do not support TLSv1.3, as it requires OpenSSL 1.1.1, which is currently not available on this platform.

The following is the list of components supplied with Percona Server for MySQL-based deployment variant of Percona Distribution for MySQL:

Component Version Description
Orchestrator 3.2.6 The replication topology manager for Percona Server for MySQL
ProxySQL 2.3.2 A high performance, high-availability, protocol-aware proxy for MySQL
Percona XtraBackup 8.0.27-17.0 An open-source hot backup utility for MySQL-based servers
Percona Toolkit 3.3.1 The set of scripts to simplify and optimize database operation
MySQL Shell 8.0.27 An advanced client and code editor for MySQL Server
MySQL Router 8.0.27 Lightweight middleware that provides transparent routing between your application and back-end MySQL servers