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ProxySQL 1.4.7 and proxysql-admin (2018-04-16)

ProxySQL release, released by ProxySQL, is now available for download in the Percona repository along with an updated version of Percona’s proxysql-admin tool.

ProxySQL is a high-performance proxy, currently for MySQL, and database servers in the MySQL ecosystem (like Percona Server for MySQL and MariaDB). It acts as an intermediary for client requests seeking resources from the database. René Cannaò created ProxySQL for DBAs as a means of solving complex replication topology issues.

The ProxySQL 1.4.7 source and binary packages available from the Percona download page for ProxySQL include ProxySQL Admin – a tool developed by Percona to configure Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes into ProxySQL. Docker images are available as well. You can download the original ProxySQL from GitHub. ProxySQL offers the ProxySQL documentation.

Usability improvements

  • Added proxysql_status tool to dump ProxySQL configuration and statistics.

Bug fixes

  • PSQLADM-2: proxysql_galera_checker script didn’t check if another instance of itself is already running. While running more then one copy of proxysql_galera_checker in the same runtime environment at the same time is still not supported, the introduced fix is able to prevent duplicate script execution in most cases.

  • PSQLADM-40: ProxySQL scheduler generated a lot of proxysql_galera_checker and proxysql_node_monitor processes in case of wrong ProxySQL credentials in /etc/proxysql-admin.cnf file.

  • PSQLADM-41: Timeout error handling was improved with clear messages.

  • PSQLADM-42: An inconsistency of the date format in ProxySQL and scripts was fixed.

  • PSQLADM-43: proxysql_galera_checker didn’t take into account the possibility of special characters presence in mysql-monitor_password.

  • PSQLADM-44: proxysql_galera_checker generated unclear errors in the /etc/proxysql.log file if wrong credentials where passed.

  • PSQLADM-46: proxysql_node_monitor script incorrectly split the hostname and the port number in URLs containing hyphen character.

ProxySQL is available under Open Source license GPLv3.

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Last update: 2024-06-11