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ProxySQL 2.5.5-1.2 and ProxySQL admin tools (2024-02-26)

ProxySQL is a high-performance proxy for MySQL and MySQL-compatible database servers such as Percona Server for MySQL and MariaDB. It acts as an intermediary for client requests seeking resources from the database. ProxySQL was created for the database administrator as a solution for complex replication topology issues.

You can download the original ProxySQL from GitHub. The ProxySQL documentation provides information on installing and running ProxySQL.

The ProxySQL Admin (proxysql-admin) tool simplifies the configuration of Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes with ProxySQL. ProxySQL Admin 1 requires custom Bash scripts to track the status of a Percona XtraDB Cluster. ProxySQL Admin 2 supports Percona XtraDB Cluster without custom scripts.

The ProxySQL 2 and pxc_scheduler_handler tool can automatically perform a failover due to node failures, service degradation, or maintenance. The pxc_scheduler_handler tool has different features and capabilities than ProxySQL admin. Do not use the options from one tool in the other tool. Mixing the options may cause unintended results.

Release highlights

This release updates the Percona scripts with bug fixes and adds the LockRefreshTime variable.

Bug Fixes

PSQLADM-501 : Fixed the issue with --syncusers which created additional users in the mysql_users table when more than one admin user were defined in admin-admin_credentials. Thanks to Roberto Garcia de bem for the contribution.

PSQLADM-502 : Support for MariaDB 10.11 in using ProxySQL admin (customer request). Thanks to PN Morin for the contribution.

PSQLADM-506 : Updated systemd file from proxysql sources. Systemd file that is shipped by Percona was different from what was shipped by ProxySQL.

pxc_scheudler_handler FR#71 : Adds the following:

  • Support to delay the epoch flush

  • A new variable LockRefreshTime, which is time in seconds after which the scheduler will refresh the epoch inside the ProxySQL server table. This parameter was introduced to reduce the frequency of updates in ProxySQL.

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Last update: 2024-06-11