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Build the pxc_scheduler_handler tool

The pxc_scheduler_handler tool has two main files: the pxc_scheduler_handler binary and the percona_scheduler_admin script.

The pxc_scheduler_handler does the following tasks:

  • Monitors the cluster health

  • Processes the cluster state and evaluates the scenario

  • Performs actions, such as failover in case of an incident

The percona_scheduler_admin script runs and provides responses based on the configuration file for the pxc-scheduler_handler binary.

Running pxc_scheduler_handler without percona_scheduler_admin requires manual intervention.

Cloning a git project that contains submodules does not automatically check out the submodule content. The submodules require initialization and updating before they are functional.

Build the module

You can perform the submodule initialization by running the following statement:

$> git submodule update --init

Run the following command to build the scheduler submodule.


The pxc_scheduler_handler binary is located in the base directory.

We do not recommend running multiple instances of the same binary. If you start a new instance when an instance of pxc_scheduler_handler is already running, the binary runs, but the second instance does the following:

  • Consumes network and system resources

  • Returns the same results since the multiple versions use the same configuration file

Create an account

Create an admin user account. Use this account for communication through ProxySQL and pxc_scheduler_handler.

mysql> CREATE USER 'admin'@'192.%' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password'
by 'admin';

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Last update: 2024-06-11