view reference¶
provides a view where the statistics data is displayed. To see all available columns, run the following command from psql
\d pg_stat_monitor;
Some column names differ depending on the PostgreSQL version.
PostgreSQL 17¶
The following table describes the pg_stat_monitor
view for PostgreSQL 17 and higher versions.
PostgreSQL 17
Column | Type | Description |
bucket | bigint | Data collection unit. The number shows what bucket in a chain a record belongs to |
bucket_start_time | timestamp with time zone | The start time of the bucket |
userid | oid | An ID of the user who run a query |
username | text | The name of the user who run a query |
dbid | oid | the ID of the database where the query was executed |
datname | text | The name of a database where the query was executed |
client_ip | inet | The IP address of a client that run the query |
pgsm_query_id | bigint | Generates a hash code to uniquely identify a query. The hash is independent of PostgreSQL server version, constants within the query, database, user or schema. It is calculated on the normalized query text. Comments within the query text are ignored and all spaces within the query text are normalized to a single space character before calculating the query hash. The pgsm_query_id provides insights into how the query is being planned and executed across PostgreSQL versions, database, users or schemas. This also leads to more visibility into query performance behavior, however, it affects the database performance. When needed, it can be disabled with the pg_stat_monitor.pgsm_enable_pgsm_query_id configuration parameter |
toplevel | bool | True means that a query was executed as a top-level statement |
top_queryid | bignit | The internal hash code serving to identify a top query in a statement |
query | text | The actual text of the query |
comments | text | Comments about the query |
planid | text | An internally generated ID of a query plan |
query_plan | text | The sequence of steps used to execute a query. This parameter is available only when the pgsm_enable_query_plan is enabled. |
top_query | text | Shows the top query used in a statement |
application_name | text | Shows the name of the application connected to the database |
relations | text[] | The list of tables involved in the query |
cmd_type | integer | The ID of the query type. Supported values: 1 - SELECT; 2 - UPDATE; 3 - INSERT; 4 - DELETE. |
cmd_type_text | text | The type of the query executed |
elevel | integer | Shows the error level of a query (WARNING, ERROR, LOG) |
sqlcode | text | SQL error code |
message | text | The error message |
bucket_done | boolean | Indicates whether the bucket is still active (false) or completed (true). If the bucket is active, more queries and stats could be added to this bucket. If the bucket is completed, the bucket is not active and no more queries nor stats can be added there, thus allowing accurate data display for monitoring applications |
plans | bigint | The number of times the statement was planned |
total_plan_time | double precision | The total time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
min_plan_time | double precision | Minimum time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
max_plan_time | double precision | Maximum time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
mean_plan_time | double precision | The mean (average) time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
stddev_plan_time | double precision | The standard deviation of time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
calls | bigint | The number of times a particular query was executed |
total_exec_time | double precision | The total time (in ms) spent on executing a query |
min_exec_time | double precision | The minimum time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
max_exec_time | double precision | The maximum time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
mean_exec_time | double precision | The mean (average) time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
stddev_exec_time | double precision | The standard deviation of time (in ms) spent on executing a query |
rows | bigint | The number of rows affected by database operations. Specifically, this is the number of records retrieved by a SELECT operation, added by an INSERT operation, modified by an UPDATE operation or removed by a DELETE operation |
shared_blks_hit | bigint | Shows the total number of shared memory blocks returned from the cache |
shared_blks_read | bigint | Shows the total number of shared blocks returned not from the cache |
shared_blks_dirtied | bigint | Shows the number of shared memory blocks “dirtied” by the query execution (i.e. a query modified at least one tuple in a block and this block must be written to a drive) |
shared_blks_written | bigint | Shows the number of shared memory blocks written simultaneously to a drive during the query execution |
local_blks_hit | bigint | The number of blocks which are considered as local by the backend and thus are used for temporary tables |
local_blks_read | bigint | Total number of local blocks read during the query execution |
local_blks_dirtied | bigint | Total number of local blocks “dirtied” during the query execution (i.e. a query modified at least one tuple in a block and this block must be written to a drive) |
local_blks_written | bigint | Total number of local blocks written simultaneously to a drive during the query execution |
temp_blks_read | bigint | Total number of blocks of temporary files read from a drive. Temporary files are used when there’s not enough memory to execute a query |
temp_blks_written | bigint | Total number of blocks of temporary files written to a drive |
shared_blk_read_time | double precision | Total time the statement spent reading shared blocks, in milliseconds |
shared_blk_write_time | double precision | Total time the statement spent writing shared blocks, in milliseconds |
local_blk_read_time | double precision | Total time the statement spent on reading local blocks, in milliseconds |
local_blk_write_time | double precision | Total time the statement spent on writing local blocks, in milliseconds |
temp_blk_read_time | double precision | Total number of temp blocks read by the statement |
temp_blk_write_time | double precision | Total number of temp blocks written by the statement |
resp_calls | text[] | Call histogram |
cpu_user_time | double precision | The time (in ms) the CPU spent on running the query |
cpu_sys_time | double precision | The time (in ms) the CPU spent on executing the kernel code |
wal_records | bigint | The total number of WAL (Write Ahead Logs) generated by the query |
wal_fpi | bigint | The total number of WAL FPI (Full Page Images) generated by the query |
wal_bytes | numeric | Total number of bytes used for the WAL generated by the query |
jit_functions | bigint | Total number of functions JIT-compiled (Just-in-Time compiled) by the statement |
jit_generation_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on generating JIT code, in milliseconds |
jit_inlining_count | bigint | The number of times functions have been inlined |
jit_inlining_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on inlining functions, in milliseconds |
jit_optimization_count | bigint | Number of times the statement has been optimized |
jit_optimization_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on optimizing, in milliseconds |
jit_emission_count | bigint | Number of times code has been emitted |
jit_emission_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on emitting code, in milliseconds |
jit_deform_count | bigint | Total number of tuple deform functions JIT-compiled by the statement |
jit_deform_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on JIT-compiling tuple deform functions, in milliseconds |
stats_since | timestamp with time zone | Time at which statistics gathering started for this statement |
minmax_stats_since | timestamp with time zone | Time at which min/max statistics gathering started for this statement (fields min_plan_time, max_plan_time, min_exec_time and max_exec_time). Please note that unlike pg_stat_statements , pg_stat_monitor doesn’t have an option to reset min/max counters, so minmax_stats_since always equals to stats_since |
PostgreSQL 16¶
PostgreSQL 16
Column | Type | Description |
bucket | bigint | Data collection unit. The number shows what bucket in a chain a record belongs to |
bucket_start_time | timestamp with time zone | The start time of the bucket |
userid | oid | An ID of the user who run a query |
username | text | The name of the user who run a query |
dbid | oid | the ID of the database where the query was executed |
datname | text | The name of a database where the query was executed |
client_ip | inet | The IP address of a client that run the query |
pgsm_query_id | bigint | Generates a hash code to uniquely identify a query. The hash is independent of PostgreSQL server version, constants within the query, database, user or schema. It is calculated on the normalized query text. Comments within the query text are ignored and all spaces within the query text are normalized to a single space character before calculating the query hash. The pgsm_query_id provides insights into how the query is being planned and executed across PostgreSQL versions, database, users or schemas. This also leads to more visibility into query performance behavior, however, it affects the database performance. When needed, it can be disabled with the pg_stat_monitor.pgsm_enable_pgsm_query_id configuration parameter |
toplevel | bool | True means that a query was executed as a top-level statement |
top_queryid | bignit | The internal hash code serving to identify a top query in a statement |
query | text | The actual text of the query |
comments | text | Comments about the query |
planid | text | An internally generated ID of a query plan |
query_plan | text | The sequence of steps used to execute a query. This parameter is available only when the pgsm_enable_query_plan is enabled. |
top_query | text | Shows the top query used in a statement |
application_name | text | Shows the name of the application connected to the database |
relations | text[] | The list of tables involved in the query |
cmd_type | integer | The ID of the query type. Supported values: 1 - SELECT; 2 - UPDATE; 3 - INSERT; 4 - DELETE. |
cmd_type_text | text | The type of the query executed |
elevel | integer | Shows the error level of a query (WARNING, ERROR, LOG) |
sqlcode | text | SQL error code |
message | text | The error message |
bucket_done | boolean | Indicates whether the bucket is still active (false) or completed (true). If the bucket is active, more queries and stats could be added to this bucket. If the bucket is completed, the bucket is not active and no more queries nor stats can be added there, thus allowing accurate data display for monitoring applications |
plans | bigint | The number of times the statement was planned |
total_plan_time | double precision | The total time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
min_plan_time | double precision | Minimum time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
max_plan_time | double precision | Maximum time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
mean_plan_time | double precision | The mean (average) time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
stddev_plan_time | double precision | The standard deviation of time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
calls | bigint | The number of times a particular query was executed |
total_exec_time | double precision | The total time (in ms) spent on executing a query |
min_exec_time | double precision | The minimum time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
max_exec_time | double precision | The maximum time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
mean_exec_time | double precision | The mean (average) time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
stddev_exec_time | double precision | The standard deviation of time (in ms) spent on executing a query |
rows | bigint | The number of rows affected by database operations. Specifically, this is the number of records retrieved by a SELECT operation, added by an INSERT operation, modified by an UPDATE operation or removed by a DELETE operation |
shared_blks_hit | bigint | Shows the total number of shared memory blocks returned from the cache |
shared_blks_read | bigint | Shows the total number of shared blocks returned not from the cache |
shared_blks_dirtied | bigint | Shows the number of shared memory blocks “dirtied” by the query execution (i.e. a query modified at least one tuple in a block and this block must be written to a drive) |
shared_blks_written | bigint | Shows the number of shared memory blocks written simultaneously to a drive during the query execution |
local_blks_hit | bigint | The number of blocks which are considered as local by the backend and thus are used for temporary tables |
local_blks_read | bigint | Total number of local blocks read during the query execution |
local_blks_dirtied | bigint | Total number of local blocks “dirtied” during the query execution (i.e. a query modified at least one tuple in a block and this block must be written to a drive) |
local_blks_written | bigint | Total number of local blocks written simultaneously to a drive during the query execution |
temp_blks_read | bigint | Total number of blocks of temporary files read from a drive. Temporary files are used when there’s not enough memory to execute a query |
temp_blks_written | bigint | Total number of blocks of temporary files written to a drive |
blk_read_time | double precision | Total time the statement spent reading data file blocks, in milliseconds |
blk_write_time | double precision | Total time the statement spent writing data file blocks, in milliseconds |
temp_blk_read_time | double precision | Total time the statement spent reading temporary file blocks, in milliseconds |
temp_blk_write_time | double precision | Total time the statement spent writing temporary file blocks, in milliseconds |
resp_calls | text[] | Call histogram |
cpu_user_time | double precision | The time (in ms) the CPU spent on running the query |
cpu_sys_time | double precision | The time (in ms) the CPU spent on executing the kernel code |
wal_records | bigint | The total number of WAL (Write Ahead Logs) generated by the query |
wal_fpi | bigint | The total number of WAL FPI (Full Page Images) generated by the query |
wal_bytes | numeric | Total number of bytes used for the WAL generated by the query |
jit_functions | bigint | Total number of functions JIT-compiled (Just-in-Time compiled) by the statement |
jit_generation_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on generating JIT code, in milliseconds |
jit_inlining_count | bigint | The number of times functions have been inlined |
jit_inlining_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on inlining functions, in milliseconds |
jit_optimization_count | bigint | Number of times the statement has been optimized |
jit_optimization_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on optimizing, in milliseconds |
jit_emission_count | bigint | Number of times code has been emitted |
jit_emission_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on emitting code, in milliseconds |
PostgreSQL 15¶
PostgreSQL 15
Column | Type | Description |
bucket | bigint | Data collection unit. The number shows what bucket in a chain a record belongs to |
bucket_start_time | timestamp with time zone | The start time of the bucket |
userid | oid | An ID of the user who run a query |
user | regrole | The name of the user who run a query |
dbid | oid | the ID of the database where the query was executed |
datname | text | The name of a database where the query was executed |
toplevel | bool | True means that a query was executed as a top-level statement |
client_ip | inet | The IP address of a client that run the query |
pgsm_query_id | bigint | Generates a hash code to uniquely identify a query. The hash is independent of PostgreSQL server version, constants within the query, database, user or schema. It is calculated on the normalized query text. Comments within the query text are ignored and all spaces within the query text are normalized to a single space character before calculating the query hash. The pgsm_query_id provides insights into how the query is being planned and executed across PostgreSQL versions, database, users or schemas. This also leads to more visibility into query performance behavior, however, it affects the database performance. When needed, it can be disabled with the pg_stat_monitor.pgsm_enable_pgsm_query_id configuration parameter |
queryid | bigint | The internal hash code serving to identify every query in a statement |
top_queryid | bignit | The internal hash code serving to identify a top query in a statement |
planid | text | An internally generated ID of a query plan |
query_plan | text | The sequence of steps used to execute a query. This parameter is available only when the pgsm_enable_query_plan is enabled. |
top_query | text | Shows the top query used in a statement |
query | text | The actual text of the query |
comments | text | Comments about the query |
application_name | text | Shows the name of the application connected to the database |
relations | text[] | The list of tables involved in the query |
cmd_type | integer | The ID of the query type. Supported values: 1 - SELECT; 2 - UPDATE; 3 - INSERT; 4 - DELETE. |
cmd_type_text | text | The type of the query executed |
elevel | integer | Shows the error level of a query (WARNING, ERROR, LOG) |
sqlcode | text | SQL error code |
message | text | The error message |
bucket_done | boolean | Indicates whether the bucket is still active (false) or completed (true). If the bucket is active, more queries and stats could be added to this bucket. If the bucket is completed, the bucket is not active and no more queries nor stats can be added there, thus allowing accurate data display for monitoring applications |
plans | bigint | The number of times the statement was planned |
total_plan_time | double precision | The total time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
min_plan_time | double precision | Minimum time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
max_plan_time | double precision | Maximum time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
mean_plan_time | double precision | The mean (average) time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
stddev_plan_time | double precision | The standard deviation of time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
calls | bigint | The number of times a particular query was executed |
total_exec_time | double precision | The total time (in ms) spent on executing a query |
min_exec_time | double precision | The minimum time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
max_exec_time | double precision | The maximum time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
mean_exec_time | double precision | The mean (average) time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
stddev_exec_time | double precision | The standard deviation of time (in ms) spent on executing a query |
rows | bigint | The number of rows affected by database operations. Specifically, this is the number of records retrieved by a SELECT operation, added by an INSERT operation, modified by an UPDATE operation or removed by a DELETE operation |
shared_blks_hit | bigint | Shows the total number of shared memory blocks returned from the cache |
shared_blks_read | bigint | Shows the total number of shared blocks returned not from the cache |
shared_blks_dirtied | bigint | Shows the number of shared memory blocks “dirtied” by the query execution (i.e. a query modified at least one tuple in a block and this block must be written to a drive) |
shared_blks_written | bigint | Shows the number of shared memory blocks written simultaneously to a drive during the query execution |
local_blks_hit | bigint | The number of blocks which are considered as local by the backend and thus are used for temporary tables |
local_blks_read | bigint | Total number of local blocks read during the query execution |
local_blks_dirtied | bigint | Total number of local blocks “dirtied” during the query execution (i.e. a query modified at least one tuple in a block and this block must be written to a drive) |
local_blks_written | bigint | Total number of local blocks written simultaneously to a drive during the query execution |
temp_blks_read | bigint | Total number of blocks of temporary files read from a drive. Temporary files are used when there’s not enough memory to execute a query |
temp_blks_written | bigint | Total number of blocks of temporary files written to a drive |
blk_read_time | double precision | Total waiting time (in ms) for reading blocks |
blk_write_time | double precision | Total waiting time (in ms) for writing blocks to a drive |
temp_blk_read_time | double precision | Total number of temp blocks read by the statement |
temp_blk_write_time | double precision | Total number of temp blocks written by the statement |
resp_calls | text[] | Call histogram |
cpu_user_time | double precision | The time (in ms) the CPU spent on running the query |
cpu_sys_time | double precision | The time (in ms) the CPU spent on executing the kernel code |
wal_records | bigint | The total number of WAL (Write Ahead Logs) generated by the query |
wal_fpi | bigint | The total number of WAL FPI (Full Page Images) generated by the query |
wal_bytes | numeric | Total number of bytes used for the WAL generated by the query |
jit_functions | bigint | Total number of functions JIT-compiled (Just-in-Time compiled) by the statement |
jit_generation_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on generating JIT code, in milliseconds |
jit_inlining_count | bigint | The number of times functions have been inlined |
jit_inlining_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on inlining functions, in milliseconds |
jit_optimization_count | bigint | Number of times the statement has been optimized |
jit_optimization_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on optimizing, in milliseconds |
jit_emission_count | bigint | Number of times code has been emitted |
jit_emission_time | double precision | Total time spent by the statement on emitting code, in milliseconds |
PostgreSQL 14¶
The following is the view for PostgreSQL 14
PostgreSQL 14
Column | Type | Description |
bucket | bigint | Data collection unit. The number shows what bucket in a chain a record belongs to |
bucket_start_time | timestamp with time zone | The start time of the bucket |
userid | oid | An ID of the user who run a query |
username | text | The name of the user who run a query |
dbid | oid | the ID of the database where the query was executed |
datname | text | The name of a database where the query was executed |
client_ip | inet | The IP address of a client that run the query |
pgsm_query_id | bigint | Generates a hash code to uniquely identify a query. The hash is independent of PostgreSQL server version, constants within the query, database, user or schema. This provides insights into how the query is being planned and executed across PostgreSQL versions, database, users or schemas. This also leads to more visibility into query performance behavior |
queryid | bigint | The internal hash code serving to identify every query in a statement |
toplevel | boolean | True means that a query was executed as a top-level statement |
top_queryid | bigint | The internal hash code serving to identify a top query in a statement |
query | text | The actual text of the query |
comments | text | Comments about the query |
planid | bigint | An internally generated ID of a query plan |
query_plan | text | The sequence of steps used to execute a query. This parameter is available only when the pgsm_enable_query_plan is enabled. |
top_query | text | Shows the top query used in a statement |
application_name | text | Shows the name of the application connected to the database |
relations | text[] | The list of tables involved in the query |
cmd_type | integer | The ID of the query type. Supported values: 1 - SELECT; 2 - UPDATE; 3 - INSERT; 4 - DELETE. |
cmd_type_text | text | The type of the query executed |
elevel | integer | Shows the error level of a query (WARNING, ERROR, LOG) |
sqlcode | text | SQL error code |
message | text | The error message |
calls | bigint | The number of times a particular query was executed |
total_exec_time | double precision | The total time (in ms) spent on executing a query |
min_exec_time | double precision | The minimum time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
max_exec_time | double precision | The maximum time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
mean_exec_time | double precision | The mean (average) time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
stddev_exec_time | double precision | The standard deviation of time (in ms) spent on executing a query |
rows | bigint | The number of rows affected by database operations. Specifically, this is the number of records retrieved by a SELECT operation, added by an INSERT operation, modified by an UPDATE operation or removed by a DELETE operation |
shared_blks_hit | bigint | Shows the total number of shared memory blocks returned from the cache |
shared_blks_read | bigint | Shows the total number of shared blocks returned not from the cache |
shared_blks_dirtied | bigint | Shows the number of shared memory blocks “dirtied” by the query execution (i.e. a query modified at least one tuple in a block and this block must be written to a drive) |
shared_blks_written | bigint | Shows the number of shared memory blocks written simultaneously to a drive during the query execution |
local_blks_hit | bigint | The number of blocks which are considered as local by the backend and thus are used for temporary tables |
local_blks_read | bigint | Total number of local blocks read during the query execution |
local_blks_dirtied | bigint | Total number of local blocks “dirtied” during the query execution (i.e. a query modified at least one tuple in a block and this block must be written to a drive) |
local_blks_written | bigint | Total number of local blocks written simultaneously to a drive during the query execution |
temp_blks_read | bigint | Total number of blocks of temporary files read from a drive. Temporary files are used when there’s not enough memory to execute a query |
temp_blks_written | bigint | Total number of blocks of temporary files written to a drive |
blk_read_time | double precision | Total waiting time (in ms) for reading blocks |
blk_write_time | double precision | Total waiting time (in ms) for writing blocks to a drive |
resp_calls | text[] | Call histogram |
cpu_user_time | double precision | The time (in ms) the CPU spent on running the query |
cpu_sys_time | double precision | The time (in ms) the CPU spent on executing the kernel code |
wal_records | bigint | The total number of WAL (Write Ahead Logs) generated by the query |
wal_fpi | bigint | The total number of WAL FPI (Full Page Images) generated by the query |
wal_bytes | numeric | Total number of bytes used for the WAL generated by the query |
bucket_done | boolean | Indicates whether the bucket is still active (false) or completed (true). If the bucket is active, more queries and stats could be added to this bucket. If the bucket is completed, the bucket is not active and no more queries nor stats can be added there, thus allowing accurate data display for monitoring applications |
plans | bigint | The number of times the statement was planned |
total_plan_time | double precision | The total time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
min_plan_time | double precision | Minimum time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
max_plan_time | double precision | Maximum time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
mean_plan_time | double precision | The mean (average) time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
stddev_plan_time | double precision | The standard deviation of time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
PostgreSQL 13¶
The following is the view for PostgreSQL 13
PostgreSQL 13
Column | Type | Description |
bucket | bigint | Data collection unit. The number shows what bucket in a chain a record belongs to |
bucket_start_time | timestamp with time zone | The start time of the bucket |
userid | oid | An ID of the user who run a query |
username | text | The name of the user who run a query |
dbid | oid | the ID of the database where the query was executed |
datname | text | The name of a database where the query was executed |
client_ip | inet | The IP address of a client that run the query |
pgsm_query_id | bigint | Generates a hash code to uniquely identify a query. The hash is independent of PostgreSQL server version, constants within the query, database, user or schema. This provides insights into how the query is being planned and executed across PostgreSQL versions, database, users or schemas. This also leads to more visibility into query performance behavior |
queryid | bigint | The internal hash code serving to identify every query in a statement |
toplevel | boolean | True means that a query was executed as a top-level statement |
top_queryid | bigint | The internal hash code serving to identify a top query in a statement |
query | text | The actual text of the query |
comments | text | Comments about the query |
planid | bigint | An internally generated ID of a query plan |
query_plan | text | The sequence of steps used to execute a query. This parameter is available only when the pgsm_enable_query_plan is enabled. |
top_query | text | Shows the top query used in a statement |
application_name | text | Shows the name of the application connected to the database |
relations | text[] | The list of tables involved in the query |
cmd_type | integer | The ID of the query type. Supported values: 1 - SELECT; 2 - UPDATE; 3 - INSERT; 4 - DELETE. |
cmd_type_text | text | The type of the query executed |
elevel | integer | Shows the error level of a query (WARNING, ERROR, LOG) |
sqlcode | text | SQL error code |
message | text | The error message |
calls | bigint | The number of times a particular query was executed |
total_exec_time | double precision | The total time (in ms) spent on executing a query |
min_exec_time | double precision | The minimum time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
max_exec_time | double precision | The maximum time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
mean_exec_time | double precision | The mean (average) time (in ms) it took to execute a query |
stddev_exec_time | double precision | The standard deviation of time (in ms) spent on executing a query |
rows | bigint | The number of rows affected by database operations. Specifically, this is the number of records retrieved by a SELECT operation, added by an INSERT operation, modified by an UPDATE operation or removed by a DELETE operation |
shared_blks_hit | bigint | Shows the total number of shared memory blocks returned from the cache |
shared_blks_read | bigint | Shows the total number of shared blocks returned not from the cache |
shared_blks_dirtied | bigint | Shows the number of shared memory blocks “dirtied” by the query execution (i.e. a query modified at least one tuple in a block and this block must be written to a drive) |
shared_blks_written | bigint | Shows the number of shared memory blocks written simultaneously to a drive during the query execution |
local_blks_hit | bigint | The number of blocks which are considered as local by the backend and thus are used for temporary tables |
local_blks_read | bigint | Total number of local blocks read during the query execution |
local_blks_dirtied | bigint | Total number of local blocks “dirtied” during the query execution (i.e. a query modified at least one tuple in a block and this block must be written to a drive) |
local_blks_written | bigint | Total number of local blocks written simultaneously to a drive during the query execution |
temp_blks_read | bigint | Total number of blocks of temporary files read from a drive. Temporary files are used when there’s not enough memory to execute a query |
temp_blks_written | bigint | Total number of blocks of temporary files written to a drive |
blk_read_time | double precision | Total waiting time (in ms) for reading blocks |
blk_write_time | double precision | Total waiting time (in ms) for writing blocks to a drive |
resp_calls | text[] | Call histogram |
cpu_user_time | double precision | The time (in ms) the CPU spent on running the query |
cpu_sys_time | double precision | The time (in ms) the CPU spent on executing the kernel code |
wal_records | bigint | The total number of WAL (Write Ahead Logs) generated by the query |
wal_fpi | bigint | The total number of WAL FPI (Full Page Images) generated by the query |
wal_bytes | numeric | Total number of bytes used for the WAL generated by the query |
bucket_done | boolean | Indicates whether the bucket is still active (false) or completed (true). If the bucket is active, more queries and stats could be added to this bucket. If the bucket is completed, the bucket is not active and no more queries nor stats can be added there, thus allowing accurate data display for monitoring applications |
plans | bigint | The number of times the statement was planned |
total_plan_time | double precision | The total time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
min_plan_time | double precision | Minimum time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
max_plan_time | double precision | Maximum time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
mean_plan_time | double precision | The mean (average) time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
stddev_plan_time | double precision | The standard deviation of time (in ms) spent on planning the statement |
PostgreSQL 11 - 12¶
The following is the view for PostgreSQL 11 and 12:
PostgreSQL 11 and 12
Column | Type | Description |
bucket | bigint | Data collection unit. The number shows what bucket in a chain a record belongs to |
bucket_start_time | timestamp with timezone | The start time of the bucket |
userid | oid | An ID of the user who run a query |
username | regrole | The name of the user who run a query |
dbid | oid | the ID of the database where the query was executed |
datname | text | The name of a database where the query was executed |
client_ip | inet | The IP address of a client that run the query |
pgsm_query_id | bigint | Generates a hash code to uniquely identify a query. The hash is independent of PostgreSQL server version, constants within the query, database, user or schema. This provides insights into how the query is being planned and executed across PostgreSQL versions, database, users or schemas. This also leads to more visibility into query performance behavior |
queryid | bigint | The internal hash code serving to identify every query in a statement |
top_queryid | bigint | The internal hash code serving to identify a top query in a statement |
query | text | The actual text of the query |
comments | text | Comments about the query |
planid | bigint | An internally generated ID of a query plan |
query_plan | text | The sequence of steps used to execute a query. This parameter is available only when the pgsm_enable_query_plan is enabled. |
top_query | text | Shows the top query used in a statement |
application_name | text | Shows the name of the application connected to the database |
relations | text[] | The list of tables involved in the query |
cmd_type | integer | The ID of the query type. Supported values: 1 - SELECT; 2 - UPDATE; 3 - INSERT; 4 - DELETE. |
cmd_type_text | text | The type of the query executed |
elevel | integer | Shows the error level of a query (WARNING, ERROR, LOG) |
sqlcode | text | SQL error code |
message | text | The error message |
calls | bigint | The number of times a particular query was executed |
total_time | double precision | The total time (in ms) spent on the statement |
min_time | double precision | Minimum time (in ms) spent on the statement |
max_time | double precision | Maximum time (in ms) spent on the statement |
mean_time | double precision | The mean (average) time (in ms) spent on the statement |
stddev_time | double precision | The standard deviation of time (in ms) spent on the statement |
rows | bigint | The number of rows affected by database operations. Specifically, this is the number of records retrieved by a SELECT operation, added by an INSERT operation, modified by an UPDATE operation or removed by a DELETE operation |
shared_blks_hit | bigint | Shows the total number of shared memory blocks returned from the cache |
shared_blks_read | bigint | Shows the total number of shared blocks returned not from the cache |
shared_blks_dirtied | bigint | Shows the number of shared memory blocks “dirtied” by the query execution (i.e. a query modified at least one tuple in a block and this block must be written to a drive) |
shared_blks_written | bigint | Shows the number of shared memory blocks written simultaneously to a drive during the query execution |
local_blks_hit | bigint | The number of blocks which are considered as local by the backend and thus are used for temporary tables |
local_blks_read | bigint | Total number of local blocks read during the query execution |
local_blks_dirtied | bigint | Total number of local blocks “dirtied” during the query execution (i.e. a query modified at least one tuple in a block and this block must be written to a drive) |
local_blks_written | bigint | Total number of local blocks written simultaneously to a drive during the query execution |
temp_blks_read | bigint | Total number of blocks of temporary files read from a drive. Temporary files are used when there’s not enough memory to execute a query |
temp_blks_written | bigint | Total number of blocks of temporary files written to a drive |
blk_read_time | double precision | Total waiting time (in ms) for reading blocks |
blk_write_time | double precision | Total waiting time (in ms) for writing blocks to a drive |
resp_calls | text[] | Call histogram |
cpu_user_time | double precision | The time (in ms) the CPU spent on running the query |
cpu_sys_time | double precision | The time (in ms) the CPU spent on executing the kernel code |
bucket_done | boolean | Indicates whether the bucket is still active (false) or completed (true). If the bucket is active, more queries and stats could be added to this bucket. If the bucket is completed, the bucket is not active and no more queries nor stats can be added there, thus allowing accurate data display for monitoring applications |