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Install pg_stat_monitor

Supported platforms

Find the list of supported platforms for pg_stat_monitor within Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL on the Percona Release Lifecycle Overview page.

The PostgreSQL YUM repository supports pg_stat_monitor for all supported versions for the following platforms:

  • Red Hat Enterprise/Rocky/CentOS/Oracle Linux 7 and 8
  • Fedora 33 and 34

Installation guidelines

Choose the installation source:

To install pg_stat_monitor from Percona repositories, you need to use the percona-release repository management tool.

  1. Install percona-release.
  2. Enable Percona repository:

    $ sudo percona-release setup ppgXX

    Replace XX with the desired PostgreSQL version. For example, to install pg_stat_monitor for PostgreSQL 15, specify ppg15.

  3. Install pg_stat_monitor package

    $ sudo apt-get install percona-pg-stat-monitor15
    $ yum install percona-pg-stat-monitor15

Install the PostgreSQL repositories following the instructions in the Linux downloads (Red Hat family) chapter in PostgreSQL documentation.

Install pg_stat_monitor:

$ dnf install -y pg_stat_monitor_<VERSION>

Replace the <VERSION> variable with the PostgreSQL version you are using (e.g. specify pg_stat_monitor_15 for PostgreSQL 15)

You can install pg_stat_monitor from PGXN (PostgreSQL Extensions Network) using the PGXN client.

Use the following command:

$ pgxn install pg_stat_monitor

You can install pg_stat_monitor from Trunk (A PostgreSQL Extensions Registry) using the Trunk CLI.

Use the following command:

$ trunk install pg_stat_monitor

To build pg_stat_monitor from source code, you require the following:

  • git
  • make
  • gcc
  • pg_config

You can download the source code of the latest release of pg_stat_monitor from the releases page on GitHub or using git:

$ git clone git://

Compile and install the extension

$ cd pg_stat_monitor
$ make USE_PGXS=1
$ make USE_PGXS=1 install

Next steps

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