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Make pg_stat_monitor automatically accessible for every newly created database

In PostgreSQL, a database is created by copying the system template database template1. To automatically make pg_stat_monitor available for every newly created database, you can do the following:

  • modify the template1 template database and enable the extension for it. Then all databases you create have the pg_stat_monitor view available.
  • create a new system template database and enable the extension for it. You need to define this template when you create a database to have the pg_stat_monitor view available for it.

For either option, your user must have the superuser privileges; the instructions below assume your are working as the postgres user:

  1. Log in as the postgres user

    $ sudo su postgres
  2. Create the extension for the template1 database

    $ psql -d template1 -c 'create extension pg_stat_monitor;'
  3. Create a new database

    $ createdb -T my_template dbtest
  4. Check that pg_stat_monitor is accessible from the database

    $ psql -d dbtest -c '\dx';


          Name       | Version |   Schema   |
     pg_stat_monitor | 2.0     | public     | The pg_stat_monitor is a PostgreSQL Query Performance Monitoring tool, based on PostgreSQL contrib module pg
    _stat_statements. pg_stat_monitor provides aggregated statistics, client information, plan details including plan, and histogram information.
     plpgsql         | 1.0     | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
    (2 rows)
  1. Log in as the postgres user

    $ sudo su postgres
  2. Create a database to serve as the template.

    $ createdb my_template
  3. Connect to this database and create the pg_stat_monitor extension

    $ psql -d my_template -c 'create extension pg_stat_monitor;'
  4. Set the database as the template database.

    • Connect to the database:
    $ psql -d my_template
    • Update the database
    UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate=true where datname='my_template';
  5. Create a database using the new template

    $ createdb -T my_template dbtest
  6. Check that pg_stat_monitor is accessible from the database

    $ psql -d dbtest -c '\dx';


          Name       | Version |   Schema   |
     pg_stat_monitor | 2.0     | public     | The pg_stat_monitor is a PostgreSQL Query Performance Monitoring tool, based on PostgreSQL contrib module pg
    _stat_statements. pg_stat_monitor provides aggregated statistics, client information, plan details including plan, and histogram information.
     plpgsql         | 1.0     | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
    (2 rows)

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