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Verifying Replication

Use the following procedure to verify replication by creating a new database on the second node, creating a table for that database on the third node, and adding some records to the table on the first node.

  • Create a new database on the second node:
mysql@pxc2> CREATE DATABASE percona;

The following output confirms that a new database has been created:

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
  • Switch to a newly created database:
mysql@pxc3> USE percona;

The following output confirms that a database has been changed:

Database changed
  • Create a table on the third node:
mysql@pxc3> CREATE TABLE example (node_id INT PRIMARY KEY, node_name VARCHAR(30));

The following output confirms that a table has been created:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)
  • Insert records on the first node:
mysql@pxc1> INSERT INTO percona.example VALUES (1, 'percona1');

The following output confirms that the records have been inserted:

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
  • Retrieve rows from that table on the second node:
mysql@pxc2> SELECT * FROM percona.example;

The following output confirms that all the rows have been retrieved:

| node_id | node_name |
|       1 | percona1  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Next Steps

  • Consider installing ProxySQL on client nodes for efficient workload management across the cluster without any changes to the applications that generate queries. This is the recommended high-availability solution for Percona XtraDB Cluster. For more information, see Load balancing with ProxySQL.

  • Percona Monitoring and Management is the best choice for managing and monitoring Percona XtraDB Cluster performance. It provides visibility for the cluster and enables efficient troubleshooting.