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Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.38-31.59 (2022-06-29)

Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) supports critical business applications in your public, private, or hybrid cloud environment. Our free, open source, enterprise-grade solution includes the high availability and security features your business requires to meet your customer expectations and business goals.

Release Highlights

Improvements and bug fixes for MySQL 5.7.38, provided by Oracle, and included in Percona Server for MySQL are the following:

  • In certain scenarios, a MySQL server connection could fail if the .ibd file for the partition was missing.

  • A statement was not written to the slow query log if the statement contained errors and could not be parsed.

Find the complete list of bug fixes and changes in MySQL 5.7.38 Release Notes.

Bugs Fixed

  • PXC-3118: A fix for when, using a thread pool, a brute force abort for a metadata locking (MDL) subsystem conflict stalled.

  • PXC-3951: Updated how sst-idle-timeout calculates disk usage. The default timeout value for the variable is 120 seconds. If the joiner node does not detect a disk usage difference in that time, the node terminates the SST. The current calculation could return the same value for 120 seconds.

  • PXC-2367: When enabled, the event scheduler filled the error logs with a “Ready state reached” message. The message’s logging level was reduced to “debug” and only logged in the error logs when wsrep_debug = 1.

  • PXC-3961: Reduced the strictness of checks which had marked GNo=0 invalid. In Percona XtraDB Cluster, writesets are replicated to other nodes with GNo=0. The generation of seqno or GTID occurs later in the pre-commit phase. A recent version had increased the strictness of these checks which caused the GTID event from 5.6 to be considered invalid.

The Percona XtraDB Cluster installation instructions

The Percona XtraBackup downloads

The Percona XtraBackup GitHub location

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