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Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.35-31.53

Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) supports critical business applications in your public, private, or hybrid cloud environment. Our free, open source, enterprise-grade solution includes the high availability and security features your business requires to meet your customer expectations and business goals.

Release Highlights

The following are some of the notable fixes for MySQL 5.7.35, provided by Oracle, and included in this release:

  • #104373: Fixes failure of OPTIMIZE TABLE command writing to the binary log and replicated to replicas.

  • #104451: Fixes which event turns on the LOG_EVENT_THREAD_SPECIFIC_F flag.

For more information, see the MySQL 5.7.35 Release Notes

The following are the notable fixes for Galera Cluster, provided by Codership, and included in this release:

  • #381: Disables binary log purging when the mysqld starts with --wsrep-recover option.

  • #25551: Disables tables without a primary key from the parallel applying of write sets.

Bugs Fixed

  • PXC-3589: Documentation: Updates in Percona XtraDB Cluster Limitations that the LOCK=NONE clause is no longer allowed in an INPLACE ALTER TABLE statement. (Thanks to user Brendan Byrd for reporting this issue)

  • PXC-3637: Changes the service start sequence to allow more time for mounting local or remote directories with large amounts of data. (Thanks to user Eric Gonyea for reporting this issue)

  • PXC-3741: Fix when a network issue causes the Incremental State Transfer (IST) receiver to stall.