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SQL basics

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It’s a powerful tool used to communicate with databases. Think of a database as a digital filing cabinet where you store and organize information. SQL is like the language you use to talk to that filing cabinet and ask questions or tell it what you want to do with the data inside.

With SQL, you can do a variety of tasks:

  • Retrieve Data: You can ask the database to give you specific information, like all the names of customers who bought a certain product.

  • Insert Data: You can add new information into the database, such as adding a new customer’s details.

  • Update Data: If information changes, like a customer’s address, you can update it in the database.

  • Delete Data: If information is no longer needed, you can remove it from the database.

SQL provides a standardized way to interact with a database. It uses simple commands and statements to perform these tasks, making it easy to learn and use for managing data effectively.

Fundamental SQL links:

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Last update: 2024-06-21