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Data masking component functions

The feature is in tech preview.

Name Usage
gen_blocklist(str, from_dictionary_name, to_dictionary_name) Replace a term from a dictionary
gen_dictionary(dictionary_name) Returns a random term from a dictionary
gen_range(lower, upper) Returns a number from a range
gen_rnd_canada_sin() Generates a Canadian Social Insurance number
gen_rnd_email([name_size, surname_size, domain]) Generates an email address
gen_rnd_iban([country, size]) Generates an International Bank Account number
gen_rnd_pan() Generates a Primary account number for a payment card
gen_rnd_ssn() Generates a US Social Security number
gen_rnd_uk_nin() Generates a United Kingdom National Insurance number
gen_rnd_us_phone() Generates a US phone number
gen_rnd_uuid() Generates a Universally Unique Identifier
mask_canada_sin(str [,mask_char]) Masks the Canadian Social Insurance number
mask_iban(str [,mask_char]) Masks the International Bank Account number
mask_inner(str, margin1, margin2 [,mask_char]) Masks the inner part of a string
mask_outer(str, margin1, margin2 [,mask_char]) Masks the outer part of the string
mask_pan(str [,mask_char]) Masks the Primary Account number for a payment card
mask_pan_relaxed(str [,mask_char]) Partially masks the Primary Account number for a payment card
mask_ssn(str [,mask_char]) Masks the US Social Security number
mask_uk_nin(str [,mask_char]) Masks the United Kingdom National Insurance number
mask_uuid(str [,mask_char]) Masks the Universally Unique Identifier
masking_dictionary_remove(dictionary_name) Removes the dictionary
masking_dictionary_term_add(dictionary_name, term_name) Adds a term to the masking dictionary
masking_dictionary_term_remove(dictionary_name, term_name) Removes a term from the masking dictionary

gen_blocklist(str, from_dictionary_name, to_dictionary_name)

Replaces one term in a dictionary with a term, selected at random, in another dictionary.


Parameter Optional Description Type
term No The term to replace String
from_dictionary_name No The dictionary that stores the term. String
to_dictionary_name No The dictionary that stores the replacement term String


A term, selected at random, from the dictionary listed in to_dictionary_name that replaces the selected term. If the selected term is not listed in the from_dictionary_name or a dictionary is missing, then the term is returned. If the to_dictionary_name does not exist, then returns NULL. The character set of the returned string is the same character set of the term parameter.

Returns NULL if you invoke this function with NULL as the primary argument.


mysql> SELECT gen_blocklist('apple', 'fruit', 'nut');
Expected output
| gen_blocklist('apple', 'fruit', 'nut')  |
| walnut                                  |


Returns a term from a dictionary selected at random.


Parameter Optional Description Type
dictionary_name No Select the random term from this dictionary String


A random term from the dictionary listed in dictionary_name in the utf8mb4 character set. Returns NULL if the dictionary_name does not exist.


mysql> SELECT gen_dictionary('trees');
Expected output
| gen_dictionary('trees')                          |
| Norway spruce                                    |

gen_range(lower, upper)

Returns a number from a defined range.


Parameter Optional Description Type
lower No The lower boundary of the range Integer
upper No The upper boundary of the range Integer

The upper parameter value must be an integer either greater than or equal to the lower parameter value.


An integer, selected at random, from an inclusive range defined by the lower parameter value and the upper parameter value, or NULL if the upper boundary is less than the lower boundary.


mysql> SELECT gen_range(10, 100);
Expected output
| gen_range(10,100)                    |
| 56                                   |


Generates a Canada Social Insurance Number (SIN).


Only use this function for testing because the result could be a legitimate SIN. Use mask_canada_sin to disguise the result if you must publish the result.




Returns a Canada SIN formatted in three groups of three digits (for example, 123-456-789) in the utf8mb4 character set. To ensure the number is consistent, the number is verified with the Luhn algorithm.


mysql> SELECT gen_rnd_canada_sin();
Expected output
| gen_rnd_canada_sin()    |
| 506-948-819             |

gen_rnd_email([name_size, surname_size, domain])

Generates a random email address in the name.surname@domain format.


Parameter Optional Description Type
name_size Yes Specifies the number of characters in the name part. The default number is five. The minimum number is one. The maximum number is 1024. Integer
surname_size Yes Specifies the number of characters in the surname part. The default number is seven. The minimum number is one. The maximum number is 1024. Integer
domain Yes Specifies the domain name used. The default value is Integer


A generated email address as a string in the same character set as domain. If the domain value is not specified, then the string is in the utf8mb4 character set. The name and surname are random lower-case letters (a - z).


mysql> SELECT gen_rnd_email(name_size=4, surname_size=5, domain='');
Expected output
| gen_rnd_email(4, 5, '') |
|             |

gen_rnd_iban([country, size])

Generates an Internal Bank Account Number (IBAN).


Generating an IBAN with a valid country code should only be used for testing. The function does not check if the generated value is a legitimate bank account. If you must publish the result, consider using mask_iban to disguise the result. The function does not perform a checksum on the bank account number.


Parameter Optional Description Type
country Yes A two-character country code String
size Yes Number of characters Integer

If the country is not specified, the default value is ZZ. The value must be two upper-case characters (A-Z) or an error is returned.

The default value for size is 16. The minimum value is 15. The maximum value is 34.


The function returns a string that is the length of the size value. The string consists of country (two characters) followed by the (size - 2) random digits.

The character set is the same as the country parameter or if that parameter is not specified, the character set is utf8mb4.


mysql> SELECT gen_rnd_iban();
Expected output
| gen_rnd_iban()    |
|ZZ78959120078536   |


Generates a Primary Account Number (PAN) for a payment card that passes basic checksum validation.

The generated PAN can be one of the following:

  • American Express

  • Visa

  • Mastercard

  • Discover


Generating the PAN should only be used for testing. The function does not check if the generated value is a legitimate primary account number. If you must publish the result, consider using mask_pan or mask_pan_relaxed() to disguise the result.




A random PAN string in utf8mb4 character set.


mysql> SELECT gen_rnd_pan();
Expected output
| gen_rnd_pan()     |
| 1234567898765432  |


Generates a United States Social Security Account Number (SSN).




A SSN string in a nine-digit number format “AAA-GG-SSSS” in the utf8mb4 character set. The number has three parts, the first three digits are the area number, the group number, and the serial number. The generated SSN uses ‘900’ or greater numbers for the area number. These numbers are not legitimate because they are outside the approved range.


mysql> SELECT gen_rnd_ssn();
Expected output
| gen_rnd_ssn()  |
| 970-03-0370    |


Generates a United Kingdom National Insurance Number (NIN).


This function should only be used for testing. The function does not check if the generated value is a legitimate United Kingdom National Insurance number. If you must publish the result, consider masking the result with mask_uk_nin.




A NIN string in the utf8mb4 character set. The string is nine (9) characters in length, always starts with ‘AA’ and ends with ‘C’.


mysql> SELECT gen_rnd_uk_nin();
Expected output
| gen_rnd_uk_nin()     |
| AA123456C            |


Generates a United States phone number with the 555 area code. The ‘555’ area code represents fictional numbers.




Returns a United States phone number in the utf8mb4 character set.


mysql> SELECT gen_rnd_us_phone();
Expected output
| gen_rnd_us_phone() |
| 1-555-249-2029     |


Generates a version 4 Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).




Returns a UUID as a string in the utf8mb4 character set.


mysql> SELECT gen_rnd_uuid();
Expected output
| gen_rnd_uuid()                     |

mask_canada_sin(str [,mask_char])

Masks a Canada Social Insurance Number (SIN).


Parameter Optional Description Type
str No The string to be masked String
mask_char Yes The masking character String

The str accepts an alphanumeric string.

If you do not specify a mask_char, the default character is X. The mask_char value can be a multibyte character in any character set and may not be same character set as str.


A string with the selected characters masked by a specified mask_char or the default value for that parameter. The function supports multibyte characters in any character set. The character set of the return value is the same as str.

An error is reported if str length is an incorrect length.

Returns a NULL if you invoke this function with NULL as the primary argument.


mysql> SELECT mask_canada_sin('555-555-555');
Expected output
| mask_canada_sin('555-555-555') |
| XXX-XXX-XXX                    |

mask_iban(str [,mask_char])

Masks an Internal Bank Account Number (IBAN).


Parameter Optional Description Type
str No The string to be masked String
mask_char Yes Character used for masking String

The str accepts either of the following:

  • No separator symbol

  • Groups of four characters. These groups can be separated by a space or any separator character.

The default value for mask_char is *. The value can be a multibyte character in any character set and may not be same character set as str.


Returns the masked string. The character set of the result is the same as the character set of str.

An error is reported if the str length is incorrect.

Returns NULL if you invoke this function with NULL as the primary argument.


mysql> SELECT mask_iban('DE27 1002 02003 77495 4156');
Expected output
| mask_iban('DE27 1002 02003 77495 4156')     |
| DE** **** **** **** ****                    |

mask_inner(str, margin1, margin2 [,mask_char])

Returns the string where a selected inner portion is masked with a substitute character.


Parameter Optional Description Type
string No The string to be masked String
margin1 No The number of characters on the left end of the string to remain unmasked Integer
margin2 No The number of characters on the right end of the string to remain unmasked Integer
mask_char Yes The masking character String

The margin1 value cannot be a negative number. A value of 0 (zero) masks all characters.

The margin2 value cannot be a negative number. A value of 0 (zero) masks all characters.

If the sum of margin1 and margin2 is greater than or equal to the string length, no masking occurs.

If the mask_char is not specified, the default is ‘X’. The mask_char value can be a multibyte character in any character set and may not be same character set as str.


A string with the selected characters masked by a specified mask_char or that parameter’s default value in the character set of the string parameter.

Returns NULL if you invoke this function with NULL as the primary argument.


mysql> SELECT mask_inner('123456789', 1, 2);
Expected output
| mask_inner('123456789', 1, 2)     |
| 1XXXXXX89                          |

mask_outer(str, margin1, margin2 [,mask_char])

Returns the string where a selected outer portion is masked with a substitute character.


Parameter Optional Description Type
string No The string to be masked String
margin1 No On the left end of the string, mask this designated number of characters Integer
margin2 No On the right end of the string, mask this designated number of characters Integer
mask_char Yes The masking character String

The margin1 cannot be a negative number. A value of 0 (zero) does not mask any characters.

The margin2 cannot be a negative number. A value of 0 (zero) does not mask any characters.

If the sum of margin1 and margin2 is greater than or equal to the string length, the string is masked.

If the mask_char is not specified, the default is ‘X’. The mask_char value can be a multibyte character in any character set and may not be same character set as str.


A string with the selected characters masked by a specified mask_char or that parameter’s default value in the same character set as string.

Returns NULL if you invoke this function with NULL as the primary argument.


mysql> SELECT mask_outer('123456789', 2, 2); 
Expected output
| mask_outer('123456789', 2, 2).     |
| XX34567XX                          |

mask_pan(str [,mask_char])

Returns a masked payment card Primary Account Number (PAN). The mask replaces the PAN number with the specified character except for the last four digits.


Parameter Optional Description Type
str No The string to be masked String
mask_char Yes The masking character String

The str contains a minimum of 14 or a maximum of 19 alphanumeric characters.

If the mask_char is not specified, the default value is ‘X’. The mask_char value can be a multibyte character in any character set and may not be same character set as str.


A string with the selected characters masked by a specified mask_char or that parameter’s default value. The character set of the result is the same character set as str.

An error occurs if the str parameter is not the correct length.

Returns NULL if you invoke this function with NULL as the primary argument.


mysql> SELECT mask_pan (gen_rnd_pan());
Expected output
| mask_pan(gen_rnd_pan())            |
| XXXXXXXXXXX2345                    |

mask_pan_relaxed(str [,mask_char])

Returns a masked payment card Primary Account Number (PAN). The first six numbers and the last four numbers and the rest of the string masked by specified character or X.


Parameter Optional Description Type
str No The string to be masked String
mask_char Yes The specified character for masking String

The str must contain a minimum of 14 or a maximum of 19 alphanumeric characters.

If the mask_char is not specified, the default value is ‘X’.


A string with the first six numbers and the last four numbers and the rest of the string masked by a specified mask_char or that parameter’s default value (X). The character set of the result is the same character set as str.

The mask_char value can be a multibyte character in any character set and may not be same character set as str.

Reports an error is the str parameter is not the correct length.

Returns NULL if you invoke this function with NULL as the primary argument.


mysql> SELECT mask_pan_relaxed(gen_rnd_pan());
Expected output
| mask_pan_relaxed(gen_rnd_pan())          |
| 520754XXXXXX4848                         |

mask_ssn(str [,mask_char])

Returns a masked United States Social Security Number(SSN). The mask replaces the SSN number with the specified character except for the last four digits.


Parameter Optional Description Type
str No The string to be masked String
mask_char Yes The masking character String

The str accepts either of the following:

  • Nine integers, no separator symbol
  • Nine integers in the AAA-GG-SSS pattern. The - (dash symbol) is the separator character.

If the mask_char is not specified, the default value is *. The mask_char value can be a multibyte character in any character set and may not be same character set as str.


A string with the selected characters masked by a specified mask_char or that parameter’s default value in the same character set of str.

Reports an error if the value of the str is an incorrect length.

Returns a NULL value if you invoke this function with NULL as the primary argument.


mysql> SELECT mask_ssn('555-55-5555', 'X');
Expected output
| mask_ssn('555-55-5555','X') |
| XXX-XX-5555                 |

mask_uk_nin(str [,mask_char])

Returns a masked a United Kingdom National Insurance Number (NIN). The mask replaces the NIN number with the specified character except for the first two digits.


Parameter Optional Description Type
str No The string to be masked String
mask_char Yes The masking character String

The str accepts an alpha-numeric string and does not check format and the str can use any separator character.

If the mask_char is not specified, the default value is *. The mask_char value can be a multibyte character in any character set and may not be same character set as str.


Returns a string with the selected characters masked by a specified mask_char or that parameter’s default value in the same character set as str.

An error occurs if the str parameter is not the correct length.

Returns a NULL value if you invoke this function with NULL as the primary argument.


mysql> SELECT mask_uk_nin ('CT 26 46 83 D');
Expected output
| mask_uk_nin('CT 26 46 83 D')       |
| CT ** ** ** *                      |

mask_uuid(str [,mask_char])

Masks a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).


Parameter Optional Description Type
str No The string to be masked String
mask_char Yes The masking character String

The str format is ********-****-****-****-************.

If the mask_char is not specified, the default value is ‘*’. The mask_char value can be a multibyte character in any character set and may not be same character set as str.


A string with the characters masked by a specified mask_char or that parameter’s default value in the same character set as str.

Returns an error if the length of str is incorrect.

Returns NULL if you invoke this function with NULL as the primary argument.


mysql> SELECT mask_uuid('9a3b642c-06c6-11ee-be56-0242ac120002');
Expected output
| mask_uuid('9a3b642c-06c6-11ee-be56-0242ac120002')     |
|********_****_****_****_************                   |


Removes all of the terms and then removes the dictionary.

Requires the MASKING_DICTIONARIES_ADMIN privilege.


Parameter Optional Description Type
dictionary_name No The dictionary to be removed String


Returns a string value of 1 (one) in the utf8mb4 character set if the operation is successful or NULL if the operation could not find the dictionary_name.


mysql> SELECT masking_dictionary_remove('trees');
Expected output
| masking_dictionary_remove('trees')       |
|                                        1 |

masking_dictionary_term_add(dictionary_name, term_name)

Adds a term to the dictionary and requires the MASKING_DICTIONARIES_ADMIN privilege.


Parameter Optional Description Type
dictionary_name No The dictionary where the term is added String
term_name No The term added to the selected dictionary String


Returns a string value of 1 (one) in the utf8mb4 character set if the operation is successful. If the dictionary_name does not exist, the operation creates the dictionary.

Returns NULL if the operation fails. An operation can fail if the term_name is already available in the dictionary specified by dictionary_name.

The operation uses INSERT IGNORE and can have the following outcomes:

  • The term_name is truncated if the term_name length is greater than maximum length of the Term field in the mysql.masking_dictionaries table.

  • The character of the dictionary_name is not supported by the Dictionary field in mysql.masking_dictionaries table, the character is implicitly converted to ‘?’.

  • If the character of the term_name is not supported by the Term field in the mysql.masking_dictionaries table, the character is implicitly converted to ‘?’.

The following command returns the table information:

mysql> DESCRIBE mysql.masking_dictionaries;

The result returns the table structure.

Expected output
| Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| Dictionary | varchar(256) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| Term       | varchar(256) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

Modify the table with an ALTER TABLE statement, if needed.


mysql> SELECT masking_dictionary_term_add('trees','pine');
Expected output
| masking_dictionary_term_add('trees', 'pine')  |
|                                             1 |

masking_dictionary_term_remove(dictionary_name, term_name)

Removes the selected term from the dictionary.

Requires the MASKING_DICTIONARIES_ADMIN privilege.


Parameter Optional Description Type
dictionary_name No The dictionary that contains the term_name String
term_name No The term to be removed String


Returns a string value of 1 (one) in the utf8mb4 character set if the operation is successful.

Returns NULL if the operation fails. An operation can fail if the following occurs:

  • The term_name is not available in the dictionary specified by dictionary_name
  • The dictionary_name could not be found


Parameter Optional Description Type
dictionary_name No The dictionary for the term String
term_name No The term to be added String


mysql> SELECT masking_dictionary_term_remove('trees','pine');
Expected output
| masking_dictionary_term_remove('trees', 'pine')       |
|                                                     1 |

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Last update: 2023-09-25