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Install js_lang component

This feature is in the experimental phase. An experimental feature is included in an experimental release for users to provide feedback. The feature is either updated, released as general availability(GA), or removed if not useful. The functionality can change from experimental to GA.

The feature is only available in the Percona experimental repository. You should review the Percona release configuration instructions

The plugin_dir system variable specifies where the component library is located. If you need to, you should set the plugin_dir variable when you start the server.

To install the js_lang component, you need to run the following command:

mysql> INSTALL COMPONENT 'file://component_js_lang';

If you decide to uninstall the component, you may have to restart the server before you can reinstall it.

When you install the component_js_lang, it gives you a new global privilege called CREATE_JS_ROUTINE. This privilege allows you to create JS routines within the database.

For more details, check out INSTALL COMPONENT.

Last update: 2025-02-25