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Install the Audit Log Filter

The plugin_dir system variable defines the component library location. If needed, at server startup, set the plugin_dir variable.

In the share directory, locate the audit_log_filter_linux_install.sql script.

At the time you run the script, you can select the database used to store the JSON filter tables.

  • If the component is loaded, the installation script takes the database name from the audit_log_filter.database variable
  • If the component is not loaded, but passes the -D db_name to the mysql client when the installation script runs, uses the db_name.
  • If the component is not loaded and the -D option is not provided, the installation script creates the required tables in the default database name mysql.

You can also designate a different database with the audit_log_filter.database system variable. The database name cannot be NULL or exceed 64 characters. If the database name is invalid, the audit log filter tables are not found.

To install the component, run the following command:

mysql> INSTALL COMPONENT 'file://component_audit_log_filter';

Find more information in the INSTALL COMPONENT document.

To upgrade from audit_log_filter plugin in Percona Server 8.4 to component_audit_log_filter component in Percona Server 8.4, do the manual upgrade.

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Last update: 2024-11-21