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Additional SELinux tools and management

Installing SELinux management tools

To install SELinux management tools on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 or later, run the following command as root:

$ yum -y install policycoreutils-python-utils

Ensure you have root privileges to execute these commands.

Switching SELinux mode

SELinux can operate in three modes: Disabled, Permissive, and Enforcing.

To switch SELinux mode until the next reboot, use either of the following commands as root:

$ setenforce Enforcing
$ setenforce 1

To view the current SELinux mode, use either of the following commands:

$ getenforce
$ sestatus | grep -i mode

Managing SELinux policies

Using the semanage command

To add a service to the permissive domain, execute the following as root:

$ semanage permissive -a <service_name>

To delete a service from the permissive domain, run:

$ semanage permissive -d <service_name>

List the current Permissive domains

To list the current permissive domains, use the following command:

$ semanage permissive -l

Last update: 2024-08-29