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Add custom PostgreSQL extensions

One of the specific PostgreSQL features is the ability to provide it with additional functionality via Extensions . Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL supports a number of extensions , making this list available for the database cluster managed by the Operator as well.

Still there are cases when the needed extension is not in this list, or when it’s a custom extension developed by the end-user. Adding more extensions is not an easy task in case of a containerized database in Kubernetes-based environment, as normally it would make the user to build a custom PostgreSQL image.

Still, starting from the Operator version 2.3 there is an alternative way to extend Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL by downloading prepackaged extensions from an external storage on the fly, as defined in the extensions section of the Operator Custom Resource.

Enabling or disabling built-in extensions

Built-in extensions can be easily enabled or disabled in the extensions.builtin subsection of the deploy/cr.yaml configuration file as follows:

    pg_stat_monitor: true
    pg_audit: true

Apply changes after editing with kubectl apply -f deploy/cr.yaml command.


Editing this section and applying it is causing Pods restart.

Adding custom extensions

Custom extensions are downloaded by the Operator from the cloud storage. User is in charge for properly packaging extension and uploading it to the storage.

Packaging custom extensions

Custom extension needs specific packaging to make the Operator able using it. The package must be a .tar.gz archive with all required files in a the correct directory structure.

  1. Control file must be in SHAREDIR/extension directory
  2. All required SQL script files must be in SHAREDIR/extension directory (there must be at least one SQL script)
  3. Any shared library must be in LIBDIR


In case of Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL images, SHAREDIR corresponds to /usr/pgsql-${PG_MAJOR}/share and LIBDIR to /usr/pgsql-${PG_MAJOR}/lib.

For example, the directory for pg_cron extension should look as follows:

$ tree ~/pg_cron-1.6.1/
└── usr
    └── pgsql-15
        ├── lib
        └── share
            └── extension
                ├── pg_cron--1.0--1.1.sql
                ├── pg_cron--1.0.sql
                ├── pg_cron--1.1--1.2.sql
                ├── pg_cron--1.2--1.3.sql
                ├── pg_cron--1.3--1.4.sql
                ├── pg_cron--1.4--1.4-1.sql
                ├── pg_cron--1.4-1--1.5.sql
                ├── pg_cron--1.5--1.6.sql
                └── pg_cron.control

The archive must be created with usr at the root and the name must conform ${EXTENSION}-pg${PG_MAJOR}-${EXTENSION_VERSION}:

$ cd pg_cron-1.6.1/
$ tar -czf pg_cron-pg15-1.6.1.tar.gz usr/


To understand which files are required for given extension could be not an easy task. One of the option to figure this out would be building and installing the extension from source on a virtual machine with Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL and copy all the installed files to the archive.

Configuring custom extension loading

When the extension is packaged, it should be uploaded to the cloud storage (for now, Amazon S3 is the only supported storage type). When the upload is done, the storage and extension details should be specified in the Custom Resource to make the Operator download and install it.

  1. The Operator will need the following data to access extensions stored on the Amazon S3:

    • the key is the name which you wll further use to refer your Kubernetes Secret,
    • the data.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and data.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY keys are base64-encoded credentials used to access the storage (obviously these keys should contain proper values to make the access possible).

    Create the Secrets file with these base64-encoded keys as follows:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: cluster1-extensions-secret
    type: Opaque
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: <base64 encoded secret>
      AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: <base64 encoded secret>


    You can use the following command to get a base64-encoded string from a plain text one:

    For GNU/Linux:

    $ echo -n 'plain-text-string' | base64 --wrap=0

    For Apple macOS:

    $ echo -n 'plain-text-string' | base64

    Once the editing is over, create the Kubernetes Secret object as follows:

    $ kubectl apply -f extensions-secret.yaml
  2. Storage credentials are specified in the Custom Resource subsection. The appropriate fragment of the deploy/cr.yaml configuration file should look as follows:

        type: s3
        bucket: pg-extensions
        region: eu-central-1
          name: cluster1-extensions-secret
  3. When the storage is configured, and the archive with the extension is already present in the appropriate bucket, the extension itself can be specified to the Operator in the Custom Resource via the deploy/cr.yaml configuration file as in the following example:

      - name: pg_cron
        version: 1.6.1

The installed extension will not be enabled by default. Enabling it in can be done for desired databases using the CREATE EXTENSION statement:


Also, some extensions (such as pg_cron) can be used only if added to shared_preload_libraries. Users can do it via the deploy/cr.yaml configuration file as follows:

        shared_preload_libraries: pg_cron

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Last update: 2024-10-08