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MySQL user accounts within the Cluster can be divided into two different groups:

  • application-level users: the unprivileged user accounts,
  • system-level users: the accounts needed to automate the cluster deployment and management tasks, such as Percona XtraDB Cluster Health checks or ProxySQL integration.

As these two groups of user accounts serve different purposes, they are considered separately in the following sections.

Unprivileged users

There are no unprivileged (general purpose) user accounts created by default. If you need general purpose users, please run commands below:

$ kubectl run -it --rm percona-client --image=percona:8.0 --restart=Never -- mysql -hcluster1-pxc -uroot -proot_password
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database1.* TO 'user1'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password1';


MySQL password here should not exceed 32 characters due to the replication-specific limit introduced in MySQL 5.7.5 .

Verify that the user was created successfully. If successful, the following command will let you successfully login to MySQL shell via ProxySQL:

$ kubectl run -it --rm percona-client --image=percona:8.0 --restart=Never -- bash -il
percona-client:/$ mysql -h cluster1-proxysql -uuser1 -ppassword1
mysql> SELECT * FROM database1.table1 LIMIT 1;

You may also try executing any simple SQL statement to ensure the permissions have been successfully granted.

System Users

To automate the deployment and management of the cluster components, the Operator requires system-level Percona XtraDB Cluster users.

Credentials for these users are stored as a Kubernetes Secrets object. The Operator requires Kubernetes Secrets before Percona XtraDB Cluster is started. It will either use existing Secrets or create a new Secrets object with randomly generated passwords if it didn’t exist. The name of the required Secret (cluster1-secrets by default) should be set in the spec.secretsName option of the deploy/cr.yaml configuration file.

The following table shows system users’ names and purposes.


These users should not be used to run an application.

User Purpose Username Password Secret Key Description
Admin root root Database administrative user, can be used by the application if needed
ProxySQLAdmin proxyadmin proxyadmin ProxySQL administrative user, can be used to add general-purpose ProxySQL users
Backup xtrabackup xtrabackup The user to run backups , granted all privileges for the point-in-time recovery needs
Monitoring monitor monitor User for internal monitoring purposes like liveness/readiness checks and PMM agent
PMM Server Password should be set through the operator options pmmserver Password used to access PMM Server . Password-based authorization method is deprecated since the Operator 1.11.0. Use token-based authorization instead
Operator Admin operator operator Database administrative user, should be used only by the Operator
Replication replication replication Administrative user needed for cross-site Percona XtraDB Cluster

YAML Object Format

The default name of the Secrets object for these users is cluster1-secrets and can be set in the CR for your cluster in spec.secretName to something different. When you create the object yourself, it should match the following simple format:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: cluster1-secrets
type: Opaque
  root: root_password
  xtrabackup: backup_password
  monitor: monitory
  proxyadmin: admin_password
  operator: operatoradmin
  replication: repl_password

The example above matches what is shipped in deploy/secrets.yaml which contains default passwords. You should NOT use these in production, but they are present to assist in automated testing or simple use in a development environment.

As you can see, because we use the stringData type when creating the Secrets object, all values for each key/value pair are stated in plain text format convenient from the user’s point of view. But the resulting Secrets object contains passwords stored as data - i.e., base64-encoded strings. If you want to update any field, you’ll need to encode the value into base64 format. To do this, you can run echo -n "password" | base64 --wrap=0 (or just echo -n "password" | base64 in case of Apple macOS) in your local shell to get valid values. For example, setting the Admin user’s password to new_password in the cluster1-secrets object can be done with the following command:

$ kubectl patch secret/cluster1-secrets -p '{"data":{"root": "'$(echo -n new_password | base64 --wrap=0)'"}}'
$ kubectl patch secret/cluster1-secrets -p '{"data":{"root": "'$(echo -n new_password | base64)'"}}'

Password Rotation Policies and Timing

When there is a change in user secrets, the Operator creates the necessary transaction to change passwords. This rotation happens almost instantly (the delay can be up to a few seconds), and it’s not needed to take any action beyond changing the password.


Please don’t change secretName option in CR, make changes inside the secrets object itself.

Starting from the Operator version 1.13.0 system users are created with the PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER policy. Also, same policy is automatically applied to system users on existing clusters when the Operator is upgraded to 1.13.0.

Marking System Users In MySQL

Starting with MySQL 8.0.16, a new feature called Account Categories has been implemented, which allows us to mark our system users as such. See the official documentation on this feature for more details.

Development Mode

To make development and testing easier, deploy/secrets.yaml secrets file contains default passwords for Percona XtraDB Cluster system users.

These development mode credentials from deploy/secrets.yaml are:

Secret Key Secret Value
root root_password
xtrabackup backup_password
monitor monitory
proxyadmin admin_password
operator operatoradmin
replication repl_password


Do not use the default Percona XtraDB Cluster user passwords in production!

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Last update: 2024-08-26