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Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster 1.11.0

Release Highlights

  • With this release, the Operator turns to a simplified naming convention and changes its official name to Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster

  • The new backup.backoffLimit Custom Resource option allows customizing the number of attempts the Operator should make for backup

  • The OpenAPI schema is now generated for the Operator, which allows Kubernetes to validate Custom Resource and protects users from occasionally applying deploy/cr.yaml with syntax errors

New Features


  • K8SPXC-947: Parametrize the number of attempt the Operator should make for backup backup through a Custom Resource option

  • K8SPXC-738: Allow to set service labels for HAProxy and ProxySQL in Custom Resource to enable various integrations with cloud providers or service meshes

  • K8SPXC-848: PMM container does not cause the crash of the whole database Pod if pmm-agent is not working properly

  • K8SPXC-625: Print the total number of binlogs and the number of remaining binlogs in the restore log while point-in-time recovery in progress

  • K8SPXC-920: Using the new Percona XtraBackup Exponential Backoff feature decreases the number of occasional unsuccessful backups due to more effective retries timing (Thanks to Dustin Falgout for reporting this issue)

  • K8SPXC-823: Make it possible to use API Key to authorize within Percona Monitoring and Management Server

Bugs Fixed

  • K8SPXC-985: Fix a bug that caused point-in-time recovery to fail due to incorrect binlog filtering logic

  • K8SPXC-899: Fix a bug due to which issued certificates didn’t cover all hostnames, making VERIFY_IDENTITY client mode not working with HAProxy

  • K8SPXC-750: Fix a bug that prevented ProxySQL from connecting to Percona XtraDB Cluster after turning TLS off

  • K8SPXC-896: Fix a bug due to which the Operator was unable to create ssl-internal Secret if crash happened in the middle of a reconcile and restart (Thanks to srteam2020 for contribution)

  • K8SPXC-725 and K8SPXC-763: Fix a bug due to which ProxySQL StatefulSet, and Services where mistakenly deleted by the Operator when reading stale ProxySQL or HAProxy information (Thanks to srteam2020 for contribution)

  • K8SPXC-957: Fix a bug due to which pxc-db Helm chart didn’t support setting the replicasServiceType Custom Resource option (Thanks to Carlos Martell for reporting this issue)

  • K8SPXC-534: Fix a bug that caused some SQL queries to fail during the pxc StatefulSet update (Thanks to Sergiy Prykhodko for reporting this issue)

  • K8SPXC-1016: Fix a bug due to which an empty SSL secret name in Custom Resource caused the Operator to throw a misleading error message in the log

  • K8SPXC-994: Don’t use root user in MySQL Pods to perform checks during cluster restoration, which may be helpful when restoring from non-Kubernetes environments

  • K8SPXC-961: Fix a bug due to which a user-defined sidecar container image in the Operator Pod could be treated as the initImage (Thanks to Carlos Martell for reporting this issue)

  • K8SPXC-934: Fix a bug due to which the the cluster was not starting as Operator didn’t create the users Secret if the secretsName option was absent in cr.yaml

  • K8SPXC-926: Fix a bug due to which failed Smart Update for one cluster in cluster-wide made the Operator unusable for other clusters

  • K8SPXC-900: Fix a bug where ProxySQL could not apply new configuration settings

  • K8SPXC-862: Fix a bug due to which changing resources as integer values without quotes in Custom Resource could lead to cluster getting stuck

  • K8SPXC-858: Fix a bug which could cause a single-node cluster to jump temporarily into the Error status during the upgrade

  • K8SPXC-814: Fix a bug when Custom Resource status was missing due to invalid variable setting in the manifest

Deprecation, Rename and Removal

  • K8SPXC-823: Password-based authorization to Percona Monitoring and Management Server is now deprecated and will be removed in future releases in favor of a token-based one. Password-based authorization was used by the Operator before this release to provide MySQL monitoring, but now using the API Key is the recommended authorization method

Supported Platforms

The following platforms were tested and are officially supported by the Operator 1.11.0:

This list only includes the platforms that the Percona Operators are specifically tested on as part of the release process. Other Kubernetes flavors and versions depend on the backward compatibility offered by Kubernetes itself.

Last update: 2025-03-27