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Crash Recovery

What does the full cluster crash mean?

A full cluster crash is a situation when all database instances where shut down in random order. Being rebooted after such situation, Pod is continuously restarting, and generates the following errors in the log:

It may not be safe to bootstrap the cluster from this node. It was not the last one to leave the cluster and may not contain all the updates.
To force cluster bootstrap with this node, edit the grastate.dat file manually and set safe_to_bootstrap to 1


To avoid this, shutdown your cluster correctly as it is written in Pause/resume Percona XtraDB Cluster.

The Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster provides two ways of recovery after a full cluster crash.

The Operator is providing automatic crash recovery (by default) and semi-automatic recovery starting from the version 1.7. For the previous Operator versions, crash recovery can be done manually.

Automatic Crash Recovery

Crash recovery can be done automatically. This behavior is controlled by the pxc.autoRecovery option in the deploy/cr.yaml configuration file.

The default value for this option is true, which means that automatic recovery is turned on.

If this option is set to false, automatic crash recovery is not done, but semi-automatic recovery is still possible.

In this case you need to get the log from pxc container from all Pods using the following command:

$ for i in $(seq 0 $(($(kubectl get pxc cluster1 -o jsonpath='{.spec.pxc.size}')-1))); do echo "###############cluster1-pxc-$i##############"; kubectl logs cluster1-pxc-$i -c pxc | grep '(seqno):' ; done

The output of this command should be similar to the following one:

It is cluster1-pxc-0.cluster1-pxc.default.svc.cluster.local node with sequence number (seqno): 18
It is cluster1-pxc-1.cluster1-pxc.default.svc.cluster.local node with sequence number (seqno): 18
It is cluster1-pxc-2.cluster1-pxc.default.svc.cluster.local node with sequence number (seqno): 19

Now find the Pod with the largest seqno (it is cluster1-pxc-2 in the above example).

Now execute the following commands to start this instance:

$ kubectl exec cluster1-pxc-2 -c pxc -- sh -c 'kill -s USR1 1'

Manual Crash Recovery


This method includes a lot of operations, and therefore, it is intended for advanced users only!

This method involves the following steps:

  • swap the original Percona XtraDB Cluster image with the debug image, which does not reboot after the crash, and force all Pods to run it,

  • find the Pod with the most recent Percona XtraDB Cluster data, run recovery on it, start mysqld, and allow the cluster to be restarted,

  • revert all temporary substitutions.

Let’s assume that a full crash did occur for the cluster named cluster1, which is based on three Percona XtraDB Cluster Pods.


The following commands are written for Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0. The same steps are also for Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 unless specifically indicated otherwise.

  1. Check the current Update Strategy with the following command to make sure Smart Updates are turned off during the recovery:

    $ kubectl get pxc cluster1 -o jsonpath='{.spec.updateStrategy}'

    If the returned value is SmartUpdate, please change it to onDelete with the following command:

    $ kubectl patch pxc cluster1 --type=merge --patch '{"spec": {"updateStrategy": "OnDelete" }}'
  2. Change the normal PXC image inside the cluster object to the debug image:


    Please make sure the Percona XtraDB Cluster version for the debug image matches the version currently in use in the cluster. You can run the following command to find out which Percona XtraDB Cluster image is in use:

    $ kubectl get pxc cluster1 -o jsonpath='{.spec.pxc.image}'
    $ kubectl patch pxc cluster1 --type="merge" -p '{"spec":{"pxc":{"image":"percona/percona-xtradb-cluster:8.0.36-28.1-debug"}}}'


For Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 this command should be as follows:

$ kubectl patch pxc cluster1 --type="merge" -p '{"spec":{"pxc":{"image":"percona/percona-xtradb-cluster:5.7.44-31.65-debug"}}}'
  1. Restart all Pods:

    $ for i in $(seq 0 $(($(kubectl get pxc cluster1 -o jsonpath='{.spec.pxc.size}')-1))); do kubectl delete pod cluster1-pxc-$i --force --grace-period=0; done
  2. Wait until the Pod 0 is ready, and execute the following code (it is required for the Pod liveness check):

    $ for i in $(seq 0 $(($(kubectl get pxc cluster1 -o jsonpath='{.spec.pxc.size}')-1))); do until [[ $(kubectl get pod cluster1-pxc-$i -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}') == 'Running' ]]; do sleep 10; done; kubectl exec cluster1-pxc-$i -- touch /var/lib/mysql/sst_in_progress; done
  3. Wait for all Percona XtraDB Cluster Pods to start, and execute the following code to make sure no mysqld processes are running:

    $ for i in $(seq $(($(kubectl get pxc cluster1 -o jsonpath='{.spec.pxc.size}')-1))); do pid=$(kubectl exec cluster1-pxc-$i -- ps -C mysqld-ps -o pid=); if [[ -n "$pid" ]]; then kubectl exec cluster1-pxc-$i -- kill -9 $pid; fi;  done
  4. Wait for all Percona XtraDB Cluster Pods to start, then find the Percona XtraDB Cluster instance with the most recent data - i.e. the one with the highest sequence number (seqno) :

    $ for i in $(seq 0 $(($(kubectl get pxc cluster1 -o jsonpath='{.spec.pxc.size}')-1))); do echo "###############cluster1-pxc-$i##############"; kubectl exec cluster1-pxc-$i -- cat /var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat; done

    The output of this command should be similar to the following one:

    # GALERA saved state
    version: 2.1
    uuid:    7e037079-6517-11ea-a558-8e77af893c93
    seqno:   18
    safe_to_bootstrap: 0
    # GALERA saved state
    version: 2.1
    uuid:    7e037079-6517-11ea-a558-8e77af893c93
    seqno:   18
    safe_to_bootstrap: 0
    # GALERA saved state
    version: 2.1
    uuid:    7e037079-6517-11ea-a558-8e77af893c93
    seqno:   19
    safe_to_bootstrap: 0

    Now find the Pod with the largest seqno (it is cluster1-pxc-2 in the above example).

  5. Now execute the following commands in a separate shell to start this instance:

    $ kubectl exec cluster1-pxc-2 -- mysqld --wsrep_recover
    $ kubectl exec cluster1-pxc-2 -- sed -i 's/safe_to_bootstrap: 0/safe_to_bootstrap: 1/g' /var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat
    $ kubectl exec cluster1-pxc-2 -- sed -i 's/wsrep_cluster_address=.*/wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm:\/\//g' /etc/mysql/node.cnf
    $ kubectl exec cluster1-pxc-2 -- mysqld

    The mysqld process will initialize the database once again, and it will be available for the incoming connections.

  6. Go back to the previous shell and return the original Percona XtraDB Cluster image because the debug image is no longer needed:


Please make sure the Percona XtraDB Cluster version for the debug image matches the version currently in use in the cluster.

$ kubectl patch pxc cluster1 --type="merge" -p '{"spec":{"pxc":{"image":"percona/percona-xtradb-cluster:8.0.36-28.1"}}}'


For Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 this command should be as follows:

$ kubectl patch pxc cluster1 --type="merge" -p '{"spec":{"pxc":{"image":"percona/percona-xtradb-cluster:5.7.44-31.65"}}}'
  1. Restart all Pods besides the cluster1-pxc-2 Pod (the recovery donor).

    $ for i in $(seq 0 $(($(kubectl get pxc cluster1 -o jsonpath='{.spec.pxc.size}')-1))); do until [[ $(kubectl get pod cluster1-pxc-$i -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}') == 'Running' ]]; do sleep 10; done; kubectl exec cluster1-pxc-$i -- rm /var/lib/mysql/sst_in_progress; done
    $ kubectl delete pods --force --grace-period=0 cluster1-pxc-0 cluster1-pxc-1
  2. Wait for the successful startup of the Pods which were deleted during the previous step, and finally remove the cluster1-pxc-2 Pod:

    $ kubectl delete pods --force --grace-period=0 cluster1-pxc-2
  3. After the Pod startup, the cluster is fully recovered.


If you have changed the update strategy on the 1st step, don’t forget to revert it back to SmartUpdate with the following command:

$ kubectl patch pxc cluster1 --type=merge --patch '{"spec": {"updateStrategy": "SmartUpdate" }}'

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Last update: 2024-10-16