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Install Percona XtraDB Cluster on Minikube

Installing the Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster on minikube is the easiest way to try it locally without a cloud provider. Minikube runs Kubernetes on GNU/Linux, Windows, or macOS system using a system-wide hypervisor, such as VirtualBox, KVM/QEMU, VMware Fusion or Hyper-V. Using it is a popular way to test the Kubernetes application locally prior to deploying it on a cloud.

The following steps are needed to run the Operator and Percona XtraDB Cluster on Minikube:

  1. Install Minikube , using a way recommended for your system. This includes the installation of the following three components:

    1. kubectl tool,

    2. a hypervisor, if it is not already installed,

    3. actual Minikube package.

    After the installation, run minikube start --memory=4096 --cpus=3 (parameters increase the virtual machine limits for the CPU cores and memory, to ensure stable work of the Operator). Being executed, this command will download needed virtualized images, then initialize and run the cluster.

  2. Deploy the operator with the following command:

    $ kubectl apply --server-side -f
  3. Deploy Percona XtraDB Cluster:

    $ kubectl apply -f


    This deploys one Percona XtraDB Cluster node and one HAProxy node. The deploy/cr-minimal.yaml is for minimal non-production deployment. For more configuration options please see deploy/cr.yaml and Custom Resource Options. You can clone the repository with all manifests and source code by executing the following command:

    $ git clone -b v1.16.1

    After editing the needed options, apply your modified deploy/cr.yaml file as follows:

    $ kubectl apply -f deploy/cr.yaml

    Creation process will take some time. When the process is over your cluster will obtain the ready status. You can check it with the following command:

    $ kubectl get pxc
    Expected output
    NAME              ENDPOINT                          STATUS   PXC   PROXYSQL   HAPROXY   AGE
    minimal-cluster   minimal-cluster-haproxy.default   ready    3                3         5m51s

Verifying the cluster operation

It may take ten minutes to get the cluster started. When the kubectl get pxc command output shows you the cluster status as ready, you can try to connect to the cluster.

To connect to Percona XtraDB Cluster you will need the password for the root user. Passwords are stored in the Secrets object.

Here’s how to get it:

  1. List the Secrets objects.

    $ kubectl get secrets
    The Secrets object you are interested in has the minimal-cluster-secrets name by default.

  2. Use the following command to get the password of the root user. Substitute the <namespace> placeholder with your value (and use the different Secrets object name instead of the minimal-cluster-secrets, if needed):

    $ kubectl get secret minimal-cluster-secrets -n <namespace> --template='{{.data.root | base64decode}}{{"\n"}}'
  3. Run a container with mysql tool and connect its console output to your terminal. The following command does this, naming the new Pod percona-client:

    $ kubectl run -n <namespace> -i --rm --tty percona-client --image=percona:8.0 --restart=Never -- bash -il

    Executing it may require some time to deploy the corresponding Pod.

  4. Now run the mysql tool in the percona-client command shell using the password obtained from the Secret instead of the <root_password> placeholder. The command will look different depending on whether your cluster provides load balancing with HAProxy (the default choice) or ProxySQL:

    $ mysql -h minimal-cluster-haproxy -uroot -p'<root_password>'
    $ mysql -h minimal-cluster-proxysql -uroot -p'<root_password>'

    This command will connect you to the MySQL server.

Last update: 2025-03-27