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Using PMM Dump

Exporting data

PMM Dump exports collected metrics from PMM instance into a tarball file. By default, the name of the result file is pmm-dump-{CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}.tar.gz.

$ pmm-dump export --pmm-url='https://admin:admin@' \
> --allow-insecure-certs
2023-01-05T20:01:33+03:00 INF Credential user was obtained from pmm-url
2023-01-05T20:01:33+03:00 INF Credential password was obtained from pmm-url
2023-01-05T20:01:33+03:00 INF Exporting metrics...
2023-01-05T20:01:33+03:00 INF Processing 1/49 chunk...
2023-01-05T20:01:33+03:00 INF Processing 2/49 chunk...
2023-01-05T20:01:33+03:00 INF Processing 3/49 chunk...
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Processing 47/49 chunk...
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672934193-1672934493.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Processing 48/49 chunk...
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672934493-1672934793.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Processing 49/49 chunk...
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672934793-1672935093.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672935093-1672935393.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672935393-1672935693.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672935693-1672935993.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672935993-1672936293.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672936293-1672936593.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672936593-1672936893.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672936893-1672937193.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672937193-1672937493.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672937493-1672937793.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672938093-1672938393.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Writing chunk to the dump... filename=1672937793-1672938093.bin source=vm
2023-01-05T20:01:39+03:00 INF Successfully exported!
$ ls *tar.gz

This command will export all performance metrics, collected in last 4 hours.


PMM Dump would not export QAN data unless option --dump-qan was specified.

Importing data

To import data, fire up new PMM instance and run the pmm-dump import command:

$ ./pmm-dump import --pmm-url='https://admin:admin@' \
> --allow-insecure-certs --dump-path=pmm-dump-1672938093.tar.gz 
2023-01-05T20:09:46+03:00 INF Credential user was obtained from pmm-url
2023-01-05T20:09:46+03:00 INF Credential password was obtained from pmm-url
2023-01-05T20:09:46+03:00 INF Importing metrics...
2023-01-05T20:09:46+03:00 INF Opening dump file... path=pmm-dump-1672938093.tar.gz
2023-01-05T20:09:46+03:00 INF Processing chunk 'vm/1672923693-1672923993.bin'...
2023-01-05T20:09:46+03:00 INF Successfully processed 'vm/1672923693-1672923993.bin'
2023-01-05T20:09:55+03:00 INF Processing chunk 'vm/1672937793-1672938093.bin'...
2023-01-05T20:09:55+03:00 INF Successfully processed 'vm/1672937793-1672938093.bin'
2023-01-05T20:09:55+03:00 INF Successfully imported!

To access imported data, connect to PMM and navigate to the dashboard you want.

PMM Dump supports many custom options allowing to define which data to export. For more details, consult Export. For import-related options, consult Import. For full list of supported commands, consult Commands.


The load-pmm-dump utility spins up PMM Server and sets it up, then imports the dump. We recommend you to use this semi-automatic solution for importing PMM dumps.

Running PMM Dump from the Docker container

Starting from version 2.27.0, PMM Server is shipped with PMM Dump. Therefore you do not need to install it. To run this shipped version use the docker exec command:

$ sudo docker exec -it pmm-server pmm-dump export \
> --pmm-url="https://admin:admin@`hostname -i`" --allow-insecure-certs

This will create an archive file under the /opt directory inside the PMM server Docker container. You can copy it to your host machine with the command:

$ sudo docker cp pmm-server:/opt/pmm-dump-{UNIX TIMESTAMP}.tar.gz .

Then you can remove the archive from the container using the command:

$ sudo docker exec -it pmm-server rm /opt/pmm-dump-{UNIX TIMESTAMP}.tar.gz
Replace pmm-dump-{UNIX TIMESTAMP}.tar.gz with the actual file name in your environment.