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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I collect all data for all metrics and instances?

By default, pmm-dump collects all information, available in VictoriaMetrics for the last 4 hours. This includes all metrics for all monitored services. Therefore, to obtain such a dump file, you should only specify command export and connection options.

$ pmm-dump export --pmm-url='https://admin:admin@'

When I use the option instance I get only information for the database. How can I get information for the operating system too?

You do not get OS information, because OS metrics are recorded by other instance name. To export both metrics for the database and Operating System, specify option instance as many times as needed.

$ pmm-dump export --pmm-url='http://admin:admin@' \
> --instance='sveta_mysql_8025' \
> --instance='sveta_os'