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The utility load-pmm-dump creates empty PMM instance and prints commands which you can use to load the dump into test PMM instance, redirect PMM port to another machine, and destroy docker PMM container after use.

The main goal of the utility is to aide in handling importing data coming from a PMM dump export file (or files). The load-pmm-dump script will:

  • Create a PMM server container
  • Disable the nginx cap for client_max_body_size
  • Try to automatically import pmm-dump files
  • Provide useful commands and information on how to further use the container

Note: the PMM server container will be created without a data volume/container, so this tool is NOT for deploying any other kind of PMM server other than ones holding volatile and temporary data!

Running the script

There are three ways to run the script (all of them require at least one parameter – the ticket number or container name string).

  • This will assume latest PMM v2 server version, and will deploy one container: pmm-server-CS0012345
load-pmm-dump CS0012345
  • This will use the second argument as PMM server Docker version tag (all other possible arguments are ignored).
load-pmm-dump CS0012345 2.26.0
  • This will get the PMM server Docker version tag from the .tar.gz/.tgz file metadata, and it will use it for the container. Additionally, it will try to automatically import the data with pmm-dump import (optionally, other files can be added as third and following arguments).
load-pmm-dump CS0012345 /path/to/pmm-dump-1653879141.tar.gz

After it’s done, the tool will output some helpful information and copy/paste-ready commands. For example:


## Port 443 is exported to: 49277

## Use the following for port redirection from your local machine:
ssh -L 8443:

## To import a PMM dump:
pmm-dump import --allow-insecure-certs --pmm-url=https://admin:admin@ --dump-path=[...]

## Use the following to get human readable dates from a Unix timestamp:
date -d @1657948064

## Increase 'Data Retention' in the advanced settings if the samples are older than the default 30 days.
## For example, to increase to 60 days:
## docker exec pmm-server-CS0037806 curl -s -u admin:admin --request POST -k --url -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"data_retention":"5184000s"}'

## To destroy docker PMM server container:
docker rm -vf pmm-server-CS0037806

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