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General issues

How to bypass SSL errors during PMM Dump export and import

PMM Server uses self-signed certificates by default unless you replaced them with your own proper certificates as described here.

By default PMM Dump expects that certificates for the HTTPS connection should be trusted and fails with error when connects to PMM:

$ pmm-dump export --pmm-url='https://admin:admin@' 
2021-10-08T13:19:29Z FTL Failed to compose meta error="failed to get PMM version: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs"

If you want to continue using self-signed certificates you can run PMM Dump with the option --allow-insecure-certs that would allow the tool to continue even if the certificate is not trusted:

$ pmm-dump export --pmm-url='https://admin:admin@' --allow-insecure-certs
2021-10-08T13:25:45Z INF Exporting metrics…

Export issues

How to bypass error “Failed to create ClickHouse source” when exporting Query Analytics Data

When you try to export Query Analytics (QAN) data with PMM Dump it may fail with an error “Failed to create ClickHouse source”.

PMM Server stores QAN data in the ClickHouse server that listens on port 9000. Unlike ports for HTTP and HTTPS connections that are published when you install a PMM Server, the ClickHouse port is only exposed by Docker and not published. This means that while you can connect to your PMM server using your machine hostname and IP address, port 9000 cannot be accessed this way.

Therefore, if you point --pmm-url option to the IP address of your machine or even localhost you would not be able to export QAN data:

$ pmm-dump export --pmm-url='http://admin:admin@' --dump-qan
2021-10-09T13:14:51Z FTL Failed to create ClickHouse source: dial tcp connect: connection refused

However, you can access ClickHouse if you use the IP that Docker assigns to your PMM Server. If you do not know this IP address, run the docker inspect command and search for the IPAddress value in the container NetworkSettings. Once you found the IP address that Docker assigned your PMM Server container you can use it to export QAN. See Exporting Query Analytics Data for more details.

An alternative solution would be publishing port 9000 at the time when you create a PMM Server container but we do not recommend it, because doing so opens outside access to your raw queries and is not secure.

Import issues

Import fails with the message failed to write chunk: non-OK response from victoria metrics: 413

Reason for this issue is that value of client_max_body_size in the NGINX configuration of the PMM server is smaller than the maximum chunk size in the dump file.

To resolve this issue, update the client_max_body_size parameter in the /etc/nginx/conf.d/pmm.conf under server config and reload the nginx.

  1. Obtain the Max Chunk Size in the dump file:
pmm-dump show-meta -d pmm_dump_data.tar.gz 
PMM Version: 2.29.0-19.2207180503.2c740d9.el7
Max Chunk Size: 24.8 MB (23.7 MiB)
  1. Login to the Docker pmm-server container:
docker exec -it pmm-server /bin/bash
  1. Open file /etc/nginx/conf.d/pmm.conf and update the client_max_body_size parameter:
vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/pmm.conf

    client_max_body_size 25m;
  1. Restart the nginx service:
supervisorctl restart nginx
  1. Retry pmm-dump import command.

Import fails with the message error when processing native block: cannot unmarshal native block ... src is too short for reading string

Reason for this error is incompatibility between VictoriaMetrics formats, introduced in version 1.82.1. See SE-83 for more details.

To bypass this error, examine dump file with help of the verify-vm-native-data script:

p$ ./support-files/verify-vm-native-data pmm-dump-1651523184.tar.gz 
Trying to verify chunk with vmctl v1.82.1
2023/03/08 16:41:18 verifying block at path="/tmp/tmp.7h3rAq0Ay2/vm/1651518684-1651518984.bin"
cannot parse block at path="/tmp/tmp.7h3rAq0Ay2/vm/1651518684-1651518984.bin", blocksCount=0, err=error when processing native block: cannot unmarshal native block from 23 bytes: cannot read timestampsData: src is too short for reading string with size 937; len(src)=1
Dump data doesn't use VictoriaMetrics 1.82.1 native format

Trying to verify chunk with vmctl v1.77.2
2023/03/08 16:41:18 verifying block at path="/tmp/tmp.7h3rAq0Ay2/vm/1651518684-1651518984.bin"
2023/03/08 16:41:19 successfully verified block at path="/tmp/tmp.7h3rAq0Ay2/vm/1651518684-1651518984.bin", blockCount=20196
2023/03/08 16:41:19 Total time: 47.267605ms
Dump data uses VictoriaMetrics 1.77.2 native format

And depending on the result, import dumps that use VictoriaMetrics 1.77.2, into PMM 2.32 or lower. Import dumps that use VictoriaMetrics 1.82.1 into PMM 2.33 or higher.

To completely avoid this error always export using JSON format (default starting from version 0.6.2).