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Exporting metrics for a specific dashboard

PMM has many dashboards, and you may not want to export them all. Instead, you may prefer to export only a few of them related to the performance issue you are experiencing.

PMM Dump supports the option --dashboard that allows specifying which dashboard name or names you want to export.

For example, to export only the “MySQL InnoDB Details” dashboard, use the command:

$ pmm-dump export --pmm-url= 'http://admin:admin@' \
> --dashboard='MySQL InnoDB Details'

To export several dashboards, specify the --dashboard option more than once:

$ pmm-dump export --pmm-url= 'http://admin:admin@' \
> --dashboard='MySQL InnoDB Details' \
> --dashboard='Node Summary' --dashboard='MySQL Instance Summary'

This command exports the dashboards “MySQL InnoDB Details”, “Node Summary”, and “MySQL Instance Summary”.

You can combine the option --dashboard with the option --instance to export only required dashboards for the instances you need help with.

The following will export dashboards “MongoDB Instance Summary” and “Node Summary” for instances supp-mongo_3599, supp-mongo_3600, and supp-mongo-3601:

$ pmm-dump export --pmm-url= 'http://admin:admin@' \
> --dashboard='MongoDB Instance Summary' --dashboard='Node Summary'\
> --instance='supp-mongo_3599' --instance='supp-mongo_3600' \
> --instance='supp-mongo_3601'