Percona XtraBackup User Manual¶
Percona XtraBackup is a set of following tools:
innobackupex is the symlink for *xtrabackup*. innobackupex still
supports all features and syntax as 2.2 version did, but is now
deprecated and will be removed in next major release.
a compiled *C* binary that provides functionality to backup a whole *MySQL*
database instance with *MyISAM*, *InnoDB*, and XtraDB tables.
utility used for encrypting and decrypting backup files.
utility that allows streaming and extracting files to/from the
xbstream format.
utility used for downloading and uploading full or part of xbstream
archive from/to cloud.
After Percona XtraBackup 2.3 release the recommend way to take the backup is using the xtrabackup script. More information on script options can be found in how to use xtrabackup.