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Installing Percona Server for MongoDB on Debian and Ubuntu

This document describes how to install Percona Server for MongoDB from Percona repositories on DEB-based distributions such as Debian and Ubuntu.

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Package contents
Package Contains
percona-server-mongodb The mongo shell, import/export tools, other client utilities, server software, default configuration, and init.d scripts.
percona-server-mongodb-server The mongodserver, default configuration files, andinit.d` scripts
percona-server-mongodb-shell The mongo shell
percona-server-mongodb-mongos The mongos sharded cluster query router
percona-server-mongodb-tools Mongo tools for high-performance MongoDB fork from Percona
percona-server-mongodb-dbg Debug symbols for the server


Before you start, check the system requirements.

Configure Percona repository

To install from Percona repositories, first you need to enable the required repository using the percona-release repository management tool.

  1. Fetch percona-release packages from Percona web:

    $ wget$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb
  2. Install the downloaded package with dpkg:

    $ sudo dpkg -i percona-release_latest.$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb

    After you install this package, you have the access to Percona repositories. You can check the repository setup in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/percona-release.list file.

  3. Enable the repository:

    $ sudo percona-release enable psmdb-50 release
  4. Remember to update the local cache:

    $ sudo apt update

Install Percona Server for MongoDB

Run the following command to install the latest version of Percona Server for MongoDB:

$ sudo apt install percona-server-mongodb

To install a specific version of Percona Server for MongoDB, do the following:

  1. List available versions:

    $ sudo apt-cache madison percona-server-mongodb
    Sample output
    percona-server-mongodb | 5.0.13-11.jammy | jammy/main amd64 Packages
    percona-server-mongodb | 5.0.11-10.jammy | jammy/main amd64 Packages
    percona-server-mongodb | 5.0.10-9.jammy | jammy/main amd64 Packages
    percona-server-mongodb | 5.0.9-8.jammy | jammy/main amd64 Packages
    percona-server-mongodb |  5.0.13-11 | jammy/main Sources
    percona-server-mongodb |  5.0.11-10 | jammy/main Sources
    percona-server-mongodb |   5.0.10-9 | jammy/main Sources
    percona-server-mongodb |    5.0.9-8 | jammy/main Sources
  2. Install a specific version packages. You must specify each package with the version number. For example, to install Percona Server for MongoDB 5.0.13-11, run the following command:

    $ sudo apt install percona-server-mongodb=5.0.13-11.buster \
    percona-server-mongodb-mongos=5.0.13-11.buster \
    percona-server-mongodb-shell=5.0.13-11.buster \
    percona-server-mongodb-server=5.0.13-11.buster \

By default, Percona Server for MongoDB stores data files in /var/lib/mongodb/ and configuration parameters in /etc/mongod.conf.

Run Percona Server for MongoDB

Start the service

Percona Server for MongoDB is started automatically after installation unless it encounters errors during the installation process.

You can also manually start it using the following command:

$ sudo systemctl start mongod

Confirm that the service is running

Check the service status using the following command:

$ sudo systemctl status mongod

Stop the service

Stop the service using the following command:

$ sudo systemctl stop mongod

Restart the service

Restart the service using the following command:

$ sudo systemctl restart mongod

Congratulations! Your Percona Server for MongoDB is up and running.

Next steps

Connect to MongoDB

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