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The Operator installation options

When installing The Operator, you can customize additional configuration options. These options are specified in deploy/operator.yaml file and already have reasonable defaults, so most users have no need modifying them.

General Configuration

These variables affect the general configuration of the PostgreSQL Operator.

Name Default Required Description
archive_mode true ✔ If true, enables archive logging on all newly created clusters
archive_timeout 60 ✔ Set to a value in seconds to configure the timeout threshold for archiving
ccp_image_pull_secret "" Name of a Secret with credentials for the container image registries for the PostgreSQL cluster
ccp_image_pull_secret_manifest "" A path to the Secret manifest to be installed in each namespace (optional)
create_rbac true ✔ Set to true if the installer should create the RBAC resources required to run the PostgreSQL Operator
delete_operator_namespace false If true, the Operator namespace (one defined using the pgo_operator_namespace variable) will be deleted when uninstalling the Operator
delete_watched_namespaces false If true, the Operator watched namespaces (ones defined using the namespace variable) will be deleted when uninstalling the Operator
disable_telemetry false If true, gathering telemetry by the Operator will be disabled
namespace pgo A comma delimited string of all the namespaces the Operator should manage
namespace_mode disabled Determines which namespace permissions are assigned to the PostgreSQL Operator using a ClusterRole; can be dynamic, readonly, and disabled
pgo_image_prefix percona/percona-postgresql-operator ✔ The image prefix used when creating containers for the Operator (apiserver, operator, scheduler, etc.)
pgo_image_pull_policy Always The policy for updating the Operator images
pgo_image_pull_secret "" Name of a Secret with credentials for the Operator’s container image registries
pgo_image_pull_secret_manifest "" Optionally provides a path to the Secret manifest to be installed in each namespace
pgo_image_tag 1.6.0 ✔ Configures the image tag used when creating the Operator’s containers (apiserver, operator, scheduler, etc.)
pgo_operator_namespace pgo ✔ The namespace where the Operator will be deployed

Last update: 2025-03-03