April 2023
Test-drive PMM from within Percona Platform¶
We’ve replaced the previous Free Kubernetes feature with an option to generate a full-fledged PMM environment from Percona Platform.
The new Try Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) option creates fully configured K8 clusters, automatically provisioned with a PMM server.
These ready-to-go environment enable you to spend the three available test hours monitoring your temporary DB cluster and evaluating all the features that PMM has to offer. No kubeconfig files to register, no PMM server to provision, no fuss, no mess.
For more information, see Launch PMM environment.
Advisors view for your list of database checks¶
PMM instances connected to Percona Platform have access to different set of Advisors, based on the subscription linked to the active Percona Platform Account.
You can now consult your current list of Advisors and the database checks they contain on the new Advisors tab in Percona Platform.
Find out what database insights each check provides, and upgrade to a paid plan if the checks you need are not available for your PMM instance yet.
For more information about working with Advisors, check the Advisor checks for PMM topic.