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2. Connect to Percona Server for MySQL

In this tutorial, you will connect to the Percona Server for MySQL you deployed previously.

To connect to Percona Server for MySQL you will need the password for the root user. Passwords are stored in the Secrets object.

Here’s how to get it:

  1. List the Secrets objects

    $ kubectl get secrets -n <namespace>

    The Secrets object we target is named as <cluster_name>-secrets. The <cluster_name> value is the name of your Percona Server for MySQL. The default variant for the Secrets object is:



  2. Retrieve the password for the root user. Replace the secret-name and namespace with your values in the following commands:

    $ kubectl get secret <secret-name> -n <namespace> --template='{{.data.root | base64decode}}{{"\n"}}'
  3. Run a container with mysql tool and connect its console output to your terminal. The following command does this, naming the new Pod percona-client:

    $ kubectl run -n <namespace> -i --rm --tty percona-client --image=percona:8.0 --restart=Never -- bash -il
    Executing it may require some time to deploy the correspondent Pod.

  4. Connect to Percona Server for MySQL. To do this, run mysql tool in the percona-client command shell using your cluster name and the password obtained from the secret instead of the <root_password> placeholder. The command will look different depending on whether your cluster uses load balancing with HAProxy (the default behavior) or uses MySQL Router (can be used with Group Replication clusters only):

    $ mysql -h <cluster_name>-haproxy -uroot -p'<root_password>'
    $ mysql -h <cluster_name>-router -uroot -p'<root_password>'

Congratulations! You have connected to Percona Server for MySQL.

Next steps

Insert sample data

Last update: 2025-02-07